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After walking for what felt like hours to Maeve, they had finally reached Bill and Franks community.

They approached the electric fence as Joel advised them to stand back as he typed in the code with ease. 

Once the door opened, he allowed Maeve and Ellie to walk in first.

Maeve's mouth dropped in astonishment.

A quaint, small, suburban community was laid out before them. One that was creepily well preserved.

It was like nothing had happened here-- other than the houses that were covered in vines-- the white picket fences still stood, dividing each of them. 

Each home, the same, yet different in their own unique ways.

As they walked up to Bill and Frank's house, Maeve noticed the quiet look to it-- the decaying flowers in the planters out front, the vines creeping over the windows, the spots of dead grass that had been neglected. 

Something was off.

They hesitantly made their way up to the front door that Joel opened with ease. 

As they walked inside, Maeve quickly took notice of the melted candles, the thick layer of dust covering the furniture, and the somber smell of death that faintly lingered in the air. 

"What the fuck?" Ellie voiced, finding it weird to be standing in an actual home that hadn't been destroyed.

"Bill?" Joel called out, receiving no answer, leaving the trio in an uncomfortable silence. 

"Frank?" He called out again, still not getting an answer back. 

"You two stay there. Ya hear anything, you see anything, yell." Joel said before moving down the hallway.

"What if they're gone?" Ellie asked quietly.

He hesitated for a moment before moving on through the house, not answering Ellie's question.

Maeve noticed the half eaten meals on the nice plates that now had flies swarming around it as it continued to decay. 

She noticed the beautiful cutlery and the tall wine glasses.

But what really caught her attention was the small baggie, similar to the one she had seen in Joel's apartment, coated in a white residue.

Maeve sighed, realizing that they were indeed, gone.

With this realization, the young girls nerves started to kick in once more. Bill and Frank were going to take them in, get them to where they needed to go. 

What were they going to do now that there was no Bill and Frank?

Maeve was shaken from her thoughts as Ellie played an out of tune key on the piano.

"Woah." Ellie said as Maeve moved to stand beside her. 

As Maeve continued to look over the Piano, Ellie had caught sight of a letter, resting on the table beside them with a key placed on top. 

Ellie went over to the kitchen table as Maeve followed, now noticing that she had something in her hand. 

Ellie began to open the envelope until Maeve grabbed her hand, "Maybe we shouldn't." Maeve cautioned. 

Ellie laughed lightly, "It'll be fine, it isn't addressed to anyone in specific." Ellie comforted, continuing to open the letter. 

A few moments later, the front door slammed shut due to the breeze outside, startling Maeve slightly, making her flinch. 

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