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Valentine's Valentines

you guys are going to be sooo proud of me

why's that

going out with some people from work
also ur gonna be extra proud it's some sports
night thing at a bar where they do dress up
theme shit and i'm wearing that jersey that mysteriously showed up after i sent you
my address

suck up!
but also yay!!!!

Baby's first new night out group

stfu and go cuddle with your roommate

I'm sorrrrry
So proud you're officially in

guessing ayesha invited you?

yeah she says that the others want me there
too but idk they still don't seem to like me


i know i come off bad but i have been making
sure to be so nice to them idk what im doing

Some people aren't gonna like you and
that's on them

and z would know

two months of being on my best behavior
without completely tossing my personality
away and they just don't fuck with it except
for ayesha idk!

they'll come around
only way out is through

thanks guys
i'll update when i get home

* * * * *

"God, I know," Taylor says, typing away on her phone. "Scout, do you have Insta?"

I half nod, half shake my head. Kind of just tilting it to the side a few times. "Sorta."

"Sorta?" She asks. Unimpressed to the tenth degree.

"She's got a private account with— What? — Ten people?" Ayesha looks at me and I nod.

"Why? Think social media's too good for you?"


"Oh my god, Tay," Inola says. "Lay off her. We all know she probably thinks social media's too good for her." Right when you think it's good it goes off the deep end!

I decide to play nice though. Saying, "I deleted all my socials my senior year and then only made an Insta because my brothers and best friend talked me into it."

"Of course, you're the only girl in your family. That makes so much sense." Mia laughs like it's the funniest thing in the world. Everyone except Ayesha joins in on it and I want to melt into my chair. Shit feels the exact way the entire reason I deleted social media feels.

"I'm gonna go get another drink," I announce. Mainly wanted to get out of there 'cause I can't afford to snap at these three girls when I have no support system around. "Anyone want another?"

They all shake their heads and I'm off. I ignore the fact I can still hear them talking shit the second I take even a step away. Ayesha tried to put a stop to it immediately. She's my one-woman support team at work. We got partnered up on something my first actual week and we've stuck with each other ever since.

make you miss me • q. hughesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ