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"Good morning," I call out, leading Quinn into the kitchen. It's maybe 11.

Two loud gasps sound off from the living room. Followed by two sets of footsteps pounding their way toward all the adults (and Finch) gathered in the kitchen. Dad chuckles as Imogen and Charlotte bound right up to Quinn. He picks them up way too easily. They excitedly greet the man they have met once as though they've known him their whole life. They haven't. They've known me that long.

The main people are here. Lya and Jem. Tiny and the other two brothers I've got. Dad. Mom. Quinn. I'm sure my aunts are all on their way to get here before the party actually starts. Then the house will be crowded with everyone who could make it. Mom loves her birthday.

"Hey kiddos," he says lowly.

My stomach does flips. I fight off a smile by really pushing a disgruntled expression on my face. "Oh, he gets a big welcome but your favorite aunt gets nothing?"

"Your our only aunt," Charlie says.

"But not your favorite right, Char?" Atter asks.

There's a moment where I consider grabbing the nearest thing, AKA my phone, but Mom gives me this look from leaning against the counter that tells me not to. How she knew I was going the violent route? I'm not sure.

"That's rude," I say.

Finch shrugs. "The kid is silent."

Another urge to throw something at one of my brothers. "That's how you're going to treat your favorite sister?"

"Well..." Tiny drags out.

"In this situation, you don't count," I shoot out. Quinn chokes back a laugh. If looks could kill, he'd be dead. "You stay out of it."

He fully laughs this time: "I'm out of it, Scout."

"Scout," Dad echoes. "You didn't even let Turns call you that."


"Yeah, he'll be here today," Atter says very casually. Not at all side-eyeing me.

Valentine gasps out a laugh. "Really? The guy who drunkenly confessed to you he'd never get over your bitch of a sister?"

There are a lot of different looks being exchanged following that. It's complete silence other than Char and Immy talking amongst the two of them while we were talking, as per usual. Lya, Val, Mom, and me all exchange an 'Oh, shit.' look. Atticus glares at Tiny. Dad and Jem look at each other, confused. My youngest brother looks like he's holding back the laugh of the century.

Quinn's stoic. He's the one to break the silence. "Turns?"

"Hayes Turner," Atticus answers. "My best friend. Y'know the one she fuck—" Lya smacks a hand across his mouth and I just know her ring hurt his lip.

"There's kids," Jem says.

"Yeah, as if you don't say bad things around them," Finchy mumbles.

The eldest Schuyler frowns and glances at his lovely wife, who gives him a look. Jem clears his throat. "I don't."

"Not even during a Leafs game?" I ask.

"What a great joke," Lya says.

I wave a hand at Atticus. "By the way, Atter, I never fucked Turns."

"Jesus Christ," Dad mumbles harshly before walking out of the kitchen completely. The girls demand Quinn lets them down and they go following him outside. They like sitting on his lap and pretending they're steering when he mows the lawn and he always mows the lawn before a party. The giant, field of a lawn.

make you miss me • q. hughesWhere stories live. Discover now