Chapter 17 - The Boy

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"Okay class, who can tell me the three phases of the water cycle?" A teacher asked her students as she pointed a ruler to a large screen.

      No hands shot up. Many of the young children in the class either avoided their teacher's eyes to not get picked or were busy with small distractions that they paid no mind to the question.

      The teacher pursed her lips playfully before hearing a small sigh as a hand moved up. She smiled. "Yes, Gabriel? Do you know the answer?"

      The boy had an annoyed look, thinking this was the easiest thing to answer yet none of his classmates can. "Evaporation, condensation, and precipitation."

"Good job! That is correct." She then went on to explain the water cycle more to the class of 3rd graders. Occasionally some of the kids would ask a question whether it related to water or not but Gabriel was always the only one who really paid attention and answered every question correctly. He was starting to feel like he was just too smart for third grade.

      School let out after just a few more hours. Gabriel went to where his backpack and coat were placed in the small lockers and followed his class to the main entrance.

"Bye, Gabriel!" Another kid waved to him as he started leaving. "Tell Christian to get better soon! We can't play soldiers without him!"

"I will." Gabriel waved back before turning around to continue his walk.

     He said his usual hellos to the parents picking up their kids from school. He knew many of them. Pachester wasn't a big town, everyone knew each other.

     They all gave their wishes for his brother to feel better, he had the nasty flu that was going around lately so he's been bedridden for the last two days but has been showing signs of getting better.

      Gabriel reached the town center and walked past the many shops on display, his small hands holding onto his backpack straps as he counted his steps. He looked up when he heard the familiar voice of the bakery owner who was handing an order to a married couple before they said their goodbyes. The old man went to head back inside his shop before he saw the small boy and greeted him with a smile.

"Hello, Gabriel. Just got out of school?" He asked.

      The boy nodded. "Mom wanted me to get some soup for my brother before I go home."

"Soup from the market?" The old man asked, receiving another nod. "Ah, the market is too far of a walk. How about this? You wait here."

      Gabriel watched the man head inside and proceeded to wait patiently on the sidewalk for him to return. He looked into the front window of the small bakery as he looked over the many desserts and bread on display. Of course, being a child, he wanted to eat the different slices of cake that looked delicious.

       But then he started looking at his reflection. His mom always said that he and his brother took after their father which she was playfully jealous of while his father always teased her about it. They had his blond hair, Gabriel's being cut short and properly styled while he recalled his brother's was always messy and sticking out everywhere. He had pale skin with a slight redness around his cheeks and nose from the cold fall air. And lastly, his bright blue eyes that were the only thing they have of their mom's. His were just slightly darker than his brother's.

       The bakery owner returned with a wrapped box inside a bag and handed it over to the boy. "Some chicken noodle soup, on the house! There are two bowls in there so you and Christian can eat together."

"Thank you, sir." Gabriel held the bag close while the old man gave him a smile and went back inside, asking for him to give his brother his well wishes.

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