Chapter 59 - The Hold

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Blood Warning ⚠️

      The situation has become quite troublesome for the four.

      While the Zones are en route to the asylum, prepared to begin the war and fight for the benefit of humanity on the surface, the four within the asylum itself have been spread out.

      Their original plan has been thrown out the window. Being spread out meant that they were more vulnerable, anything can happen without the others knowing. Which is why the priority now was to find each other.

       Dog and B have been trying to track Xed in order to find (Y/N). But it was pretty hard to track a demon inside of a building filled with dozens of other demons.

        Yama was left in the dark as to what happened while he was gone. He has figured out Zankora's weakness but was the only one who knew. He needed to find the others but he needed to find his partner especially.

       But the girl in question was currently locked away in Xed's room, high up on the top floor of the asylum. Chained to a radiator with binds so tight she couldn't break free from it.

       She grunted as she pulled the chains, straining her arms that were behind her back but the chain never let up. Not even her blood could help her. No matter how hard she strike the chains with her vines, it was no use.

       After several more attempts at breaking free, she fell to her knees in heavy breaths. She was stuck.

       Xed could be back at any minute. He looked determined to run off with her and betray the Elitists. He was willing to use his blood against her to keep her from escaping knowing that there was no way she can hurt him without risking herself.

       But her worries were geared more toward her friend and partner. For all she knows, B was still unconscious in the cells while Yama had stirred up a commotion with Zankora. She heard Indi say he slipped away but that was it. She only hoped that Yama found B in time.

       Taking a deep breath, (Y/N) glanced back at the chain and how long they were. Her eyes then moved to the barred window that she figured out was loose. That can be her escape but she needed to get free first.

       She moved her arms underneath her legs so that they were now in front of her. She moved as far as she could to the window and was only able to reach the bars with her legs. She kicked it once and felt little movement but not a lot. But when she kicked harder, it made a loud creak.

       The bars can give in. This gave her some hope. But first, the chains.

        Yama tried teaching her how to lock pick before but it was so brief and during a stressful moment that she forgot most of this. Still, she crouched down near the radiator and held the lock-up with her hands. She looked down the keyhole and made a thin vine of blood appear from her hand.

"Please work..." She whispered and got to work trying to pick the lock.

       During her efforts, her burning blood making contact with the metal inside of the lock was making the lock heat up. At first, it started out warm near the center of the lock then started to spread throughout the entirety of it.

      (Y/N) let go of the lock in frustration after she wasn't making any progress. Her blood was still inside of it but she was too angered by her failed attempts to call it back.

       Entering the floor however, was Chey. He exited through the stairwell doors and was head to his room opposite Xed's. With the troublesome doctor loose in the asylum that no one could seem to find, Zankora put him and Indi in charge of finding Yama while Xed offered himself to find (Y/N).

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