Chapter 66 - The End

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"I'm surprised."

       Voices. So many voices.

"I knew there was something about you. Something dangerous about you."

        Orders were being thrown around. Gunfire and explosions in the distance. Thunder striking the skies above.

"The risk your life for someone like the doctor. It's a foolish move."

        Fire burning. A building crumbling on itself. A victory cry from many around.

"But if I had the chance to do what you did so long ago..."

        Arms wrapped around and the warmth of a chest filled the void that was cold.

"I would've given my life to save her as well."

       Milky (e/c) eyes slowly trickled open and were met with a bright light from up ahead.

       The sound of rain fell around her but no drops ever touched her body. She felt cold and so weak. She couldn't move a single inch of herself as her chest slowly rise and fall.

       She felt gloved hands at her side that wiped a rag against her skin that stung. Then soon a needle inserting that she was too weak to react to. The needle went in and out of her skin as if they ever stitching her up. But what her mind focused on were the arms wrapped around her.

       They held her tightly and shook a bit. She felt pressed up against someone's chest, her body laying on top of them with their head pressed against hers.

       From what she was able to see, a large building up ahead was burning to the ground. The fire was so intense that not even the heavy rain can put out the flames. She watched the bricks fall, the foundation collapse, and it will continue to burn until all traces of it were gone.

       Off behind her were the quiet sobs of two people. Happy and relieved sobs.

       The Head Keeper was hugging her daughter and Dog close and hadn't let them go for the last 5 minutes. B wasn't the type to let her emotions show but she couldn't help burying herself into her mother's arms while Dog was pulled into the embrace. Her children were alive and that was all (O/N) cared about.

       Jules joined his family soon after and leaned his head against B's while giving Dog a grateful pat on his back. He said he would protect his daughter and get her and (Y/N) out of there and he managed to keep his word.

       As B went to go hug her father next as if she was a child in need of comfort, (O/N) glanced her eyes over to the area set up for medical treatment. Several Capturers and some of the Outsiders were getting patched up for their injuries while an unfortunate number of deceased were being lined up nearby and prepped for proper burials.

       They gave their lives for this cause and for the future of the surface. Their deaths had meaning and they will not be forgotten for this day.

       But her eyes moved onto a particular stretcher where a medic was giving a patient stitches on their side. Then to the demon who held onto the patient so closely that he never dared let go.

        Yama had a blank stare as he lay on the stretcher with (Y/N)'s body on top of him. His arms were wrapped around her torso and his tail wrapped around her leg.

        When asked if he needed medical help, he was quick to say no and wanted only his partner to receive treatment before him. But because of his wound, he was forced to get patched up as well but never allowed them to take (Y/N) away from his arms. They gave him stitches as well and bandaged him up while he rushed them and once they were done, Yama pulled (Y/N) onto his chest and didn't let go. Not even when a medic needed to stitch up the large cut in her side that Yama had created to allow her body to force all the toxic blood out. He just repositioned her body so that the medic had enough space to work with but that was all.

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