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Just FYI
This is just the introduction to the characters. The other chapters are longer and written better.

Jess was a roamer. He didn't have one main friend group or a couple of kids he always hung out with. No, instead, he floated around to different groups all the time.

He was one of those kids that got along with anyone who would let him so he gained a lot of friends. He was friends with the 5'2 freshman boy that seemed to get on with everyone, the 2 quieter bookworm girls who made good grades and hardly spoke in class, the ginger boy who always talked about anime and his friend who was a giant and hardly talked at all to anyone except his friends. He had a few other friends that he would talk to in certain classes or wave to each other when they passed each other in the halls.

He had all these friends but wasn't what people consider popular. He didn't play sports, or actually do anything school related. He came to school, went to his classes, and left. He wasn't obnoxiously loud or joke around in front of anyone. You would only see him smile and chuckle quietly when he's around one of his friends.

He was more along the lines of an outcast. Only not so dramatic considering he had friends. He picked up and became friends with all the oddballs, losers, and bookworms. He was popular but only with the unpopular people so it made him unpopular by association.

No one in the "popular" crew really noticed him. Well, almost no one. There was one certain wide receiver that seemed to take more notice of him than most usually did.

Isaac, better known as Zack, sat down at the only empty seat in the room one day in English. The seat happened to be at the back next to a quiet dark haired boy. The boy was named Jess and within the next week before their English teacher gave them assigned seats, Zack had noticed all kinds of things about the boy he sat next to.

There was no special reason for it. It all started because he was embarrassed at not knowing the boy's name, what if he needed to ask a question but couldn't because he didn't know his name? So he looked over at the paper and that lead to him seeing that Jess Roma writes his name in pretty cursive and has very neat handwriting.

After that he noticed things about the boy. All because he didn't know anything about him. It was strange to have someone in the school he didn't know anything about. He'd never noticed it before but he was always in a bubble around his friends and just assumed they had talked gossip about nearly everyone so be had to at least know their names. But no, and sitting next to a boy in English made him realize that he really didn't know everyone. I mean, of course he'd known that, but he thought he at least known most of them. Yet, ge realized there were a lot of people he didn't know at all.

After that he started spotting the boy in the hallways. He doesn't know how he didn't see him before their paths seem to cross quite a bit. And noticing Jess also made him notice all the people he hangs out with, most of them he also didn't know anything about.

Zack began noticing everyone in the school. He hadn't done that before, only cared about his friends, but now as he passed kids he took a look at their face. He didn't like that he didn't know all these kids like at one point he might've foolishly thought he did.

And it all started with Jess Roma.


I'm literally so excited for this story :)

It gets better from here I promise.

- the Okie Z

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