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Running your fingers through your lover's hair.

Daisy went home soon enough. She gave Jess a big hug as a goodbye and the boy felt a little guilty for being happy that she was leaving. Especially since Kleandra was crying over that fact.

He couldn't help it though. He was buzzing with excitement. As soon as Cliff's truck was driving away he pulled out his phone to text Isaac that she was gone.

Kleandra sniffled as she made her way up the stairs and she locked herself into her room. Jess sighed and followed in her footsteps. He went into his room and as soon as he did his phone buzzed.

It was almost embarrassing how fast he clicked it on to check.

Be there soon, be ready.

He smiled as a giddy feeling overtook him. He tossed his phone to the bed and jumped over to his closet. He debated on what to wear for far longer than he should've before pulling out black jeans and a gray band shirt.

It was sad how long he took just to wear something so plain. He wasn't going to overthink it too much now though because he has always been a plain person and Isaac has never complained before. Quite the opposite, actually.

He grabbed his phone and stuck it in his pocket before leaving his room. Before going downstairs he went over to his mother's room and knocked. She opened the door a few moments later.

She had mascara running under her eyes but was no longer crying. She looked at her son for a moment before furrowing her brows, confused. "What are you dressed up for?"

"I'm going out." He answered. "I wanted to tell you."

"What?" Kleandra tilted her head in confusion.

Jess felt his face heat up a little. "Uh, Isaac's picking me up to take me out."

She perked up at this. "To... take you out?"

Her face was hopeful and Jess diverted his gaze to the floor. "Yes, Ma, he's taking me out. As in, on a date."

The squeal she let out showed her joy and she wrapped her arms around Jess. She squeezed her son with joy and he found himself chuckling and patting her back. After a few seconds though he had to try to pull back.

"Ma, he's gonna be here soon."

"Oh!" She let go of him immediately. "Of course! Oh, I'm just so happy for you!" She brought her hands up to hold his face like she used to do when he was a child. "Do I get to meet him?"

"Maybe. I'll have to talk to him. We have only been dating for a couple days though so I don't want to scare him off." Jess said and his mother nodded in understanding.

"Of course." There was a knock at the door then and she perked up again. "Oh! Go, go, go!"

Jess chuckled softly and descended the stairs. He opened the door and the boy he had been dying to see was standing there on the other side. He smiled wide and Isaac returned it.

"Hi." Jess spoke first, eyes started to flit down at Isaac's body. He was dressed in a red tank top that hung off his body and showed off his arms nicely with a pair of dark jeans like Jess. Even though they were both dressed simple, Jess still felt Isaac looked better than him. "You look good."

Isaac smiled. "Hey. Thank you, you look really good too."

"I didn't know what to wear." Jess answered.

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