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An enduring and consuming passion.

Jess ran down the stairs quickly, two at a time. He crossed the living room to open the door. He smiled when he saw his boyfriend standing there.


"Hey." Isaac beamed at him. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah." Jess went over to put his shoes on and Isaac leaned against the door while waiting.

"Your mom not home? I didn't see her car."

"No, I think she's at work but to be honest I never know with her." Jess finished tying the laces and jumped up. "Where are we going?"

Isaac stepped aside so Jess could walk by him and shut the door behind them. He smiled, "What if I want it to be a surprise?"

Jess groaned. "Don't do that. C'mon tell me."

"Fine. Just because you're cute when you pout."

Jess ignored the way his ears were definitely turning red. Instead he focused on opening the car door. He slid in the passenger seat and glared at the AC being on and the vents blowing cold air. He fixed it immediately.

Isaac slid in next and Jess turned his focus back on him. "So, where are we going?"

"I was thinking the diner at the edge of town and then either the park or the field I took you to last time."

Jess smiled. "I like the field but I wouldn't mind swinging either. Both good choices."

"I know, that's why I'm making you pick." Isaac hummed and put the car in gear. Jess glanced down at his hand and as if reading his mind, Isaac moved his over to grab Jess's. They intertwined their fingers and Jess smiled.

"I don't know. We've gone to the park twice and the field only once."

"Does it count if we never went on an actual date to the park? That was before we were together." Isaac pointed out.

"True." Jess hummed. "So end this date at the park to even them out? One date at the field and one at the park."

"If you want." Isaac was no help at all. Jess let out a little huff of annoyance.

"This is why I make you plan the dates, so I don't have to pick."

Isaac started laughing. He smiled over at Jess and when they pulled up to a stop sign he leaned over to kiss his boyfriend on the cheek. Jess tried his hardest to keep the cold stare on his face. His ears turned pink though, they do that a lot.

"We'll go to the park then." Isaac said.

"Finally. Thank you." Jess smiled again. Isaac chuckled softly and they continued their drive.

They pulled up to the little diner and parked. It was cute, but Jess had never been there. He didn't go out to eat very often.

He got out of the car and once he was back at Isaac's side the brunette reached out for his hand again. They walked in, a bell above the door ringing when Isaac opened the glass door. Isaac tugged at his hand and led him over to a booth where they sat down opposite of each other.

"So we're finally having a cliché date, huh?" Jess raised his eyebrows.

Isaac smiled. "We went out to a movie once, that's cliché."

"After that though we ate fast food in an empty dollar tree parking lot." Jess said and Isaac chuckled. "That's not really cliché."

"True." Isaac nodded. "Well, then, does this count as cliché? We're going to the park later."

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