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Monday had been normal. Isaac picked Jess up, they went to school, and they kissed goodbye when he dropped him off again. Everything had been good. Jess had been okay.

So, Tuesday when Isasc woke up to a text from Jess saying he was staying home he was confused.

Are you okay?

I'm fine.
My mom's sick so I'm going to stay home to take care of her.


Isaac got out of bed worried. He got ready for school and left, still worried. Jess said he was fine and he had no reason to worry but he still did.

I guess I'm his boyfriend, so it is my job to worry.

He parked in the student parking lot and it felt weird getting out without snagging a quick kiss beforehand. He walked into the school by himself for the first time since he and Jess got together. It was weird.

Lord, I can't go one day without him. I'm way too attached.

"Hey, Zack." Tally smiled, walking over to him. "Where's Jess?" He looked around like he expected Jess to appear.

"He's staying home today."

"Oh, damn." Tally said, disappointed.

"Yeah." Isaac nodded, sticking his hands in his pockets.

"Miss him already?" Tally was smirking.

"Miss who?" Mason and Andrew walked over and Mason looked confused. He then looked around like Tally had before. "Is Jess not here today?"

Isaac shook his head. "He had to stay home."

"Oh." Mason nodded. "That who we're missing already?"

"Yeah." Isaac admitted and looked down at his feet, embarrassed.

"Sounds about right." Mason chuckled. "You must not be out of the honeymoon phase. It's okay, you'll manage."

"I'm not sure he will." Andrew shook his head. "He looks like a lost puppy without him."

"Shut up." Zack threw him a quick glare and he laughed.

"You'll be okay." Mason patted his shoulder and directed them over to the side of the hallway. They stood around and talked about random things. Isaac still felt weird not having Jess next to him.

He went through the day feeling semi-okay. After classes started it wasn't all that bad. At lunch it was different though. He sat down at his table, immediately feeling the emptiness of the seat next to him. He pulled out his phone and started typing.

Don't forget to eat something.

Jess read it quickly and replied.

Watching over me all the way from school?

Of course.

Can you call?

Isaac looked around at the noisy cafeteria. He most definitely could not call in here. So, he stood up and prepared to leave. Everyone at the table looked at him confused.

"Where are you going?" Andrew asked.

"Outside. I'm gonna call Jess."

Mason smiled while Tally and Andrew smirked. The two rolled their eyes. As he left he distinctly heard Tally talking to Andrew. "That boy is whipped."

He ignored it though. Of course he was whipped. What else did they expect. It's Jess.

Once he was efficiently away from the cafeteria and the noise died down he called Jess. The boy picked up on the third ring.

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