HS: The Substitute Teacher

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"Class today will be my last day with you as y'all know I'll be on maternity leave for the rest of the year." Mrs. Gonzalez giggles. She's one if the you gets teachers here. A couple years from being a college graduate with a health major and a baby on the way. Mrs. G was so excited to have her first baby she would sometimes spend half of class just talking about baby stuff. She was absolutely adorable.

All around me my classmates groaned and said that she would be missed and to send us pictures. The bell rang and everyone stood up to leave the last class of the day. Some students staying back to hug Mrs. G goodbye or to tell her to keep in touch with us.

"Y/N! Wait a minute." I turn on my heel to see Mrs. G with a grin on we face. Ever since she,s been tutoring me this semester after school we've been really close. She was almost like a sister to me.

"Don't I get a hug from my favorite student?" She playfully pours with opened arms. I giggle at her and wrap my arms around her with a little difficulty; her big belly in the way.

"Do you know what it's gonna be?" I ask. She shakes her head.  "Me and James decided we wanted it to be a surprise." She giggles out of pure excitement and I can't help but to giggle with her. "So who's gonna sub for you, do you know?"

"All I do know is that he's from the UK and he's fresh out of college." Mrs. G shrugs. I nod my head in confirmation. "Well I hope y'all's baby is healthy and everything goes smoothly. I have to get to work." She nods her head and I hug her again and walk out of the class room.


It's Monday and its my last period of the day. Thank god! Hopefully Mrs. G won't have- oh wait! We've got a sub! Wonder who'll that be. I notice a paper sticking out of my folder so I walk into class while trying to put it back in my folder. As i step over the threshold my folder and book go flying out of my hands and onto the floor and I come face to face with someone's chest.

"Oh I am so sorry miss! I didn't see you coming through the door." A British accent pulls me out of the slight anger I had for the person knocking my books to the floor. I sigh as I stoop down to the floor to pick up my papers. "Uh it's okay."

"Here let me." The person stoops down to my level as well and helps with my papers. All the papers are back in my folder and I stand up and look to the person to thank them. "Thanks for helping me-" In front of me stands a tall, beautiful man with wavy locks of chocolate brown hair. He's dressed in black skinny jeans and a blue button up and brown boots. And to say he's extremely sexy is an understatement. He's like a sex god sent from the heavens above. Then something occurred to me. Who is this man?

"You're quite welcome miss. I'm the substitute for Mrs. Gonzalez. Do you think you could help me out a bit? This is my first time teaching an actual class." He says sheepishly. A small pink tint appears on his cheeks. Is this beautiful being actually asking me for help? Today is going to be a very good day.

"Uh sure. What do you need help with?" I ask politely. He smiles and motions me towards the desk. "Where does Mrs. Gonzalez keep her lessons? I've looked everywhere for them and I can't seem to find them. And I also have tutoring lessons, but I'm not when or where those are." He blows out a puff of air clearly frustrated but still trying to keep his cool.

I look at him and giggle. "Well Mrs. G usually wings her lessons, she gets most of the work out of the book so that shouldn't be so difficult. Oh and we're on chapter 24 lesson two. Just so you know." The man nods his head in confirmation. "And as for the tutoring, I'm the only one who gets tutored by her. Health just isn't my thing." I finish telling him with a giggle and my cheeks are probably a bit pink.

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