HS: The Substitute Teacher Pt. 2

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So someone requested that I do a part two on the Substitute Teacher. And since I can't think of any other cliché smut for the boys that have been left out, I've decided to do the part two right now, until I can think of something for the other two boys. I hope you enjoy:)

5 Years Later

Today's the day. I haven't been back here in years. Five to be exact. Nothing has changed either! I mean for god sakes Mr. George was old when I was here and yet he's still the principle. Speaking of which I have a meeting with him today.

I get out of my car and walk into the building that was once my high school. I walk the same white and tan floors and the same hallways that always has posters and flyers and what not taped on them. I know the exact way to Mr. George's office so I walk in and take a seat. I say 'hi' to the secretary Mrs. Hutzel, she's still here as well.

That makes me wonder if Mrs. Gonzalez is still here teaching health. I haven't talked to her since I graduated. I wonder how she's doing.

I'm brought out of my thoughts as Mr. George walks out of his office with a scowl on his face and then smiles when he sees me. "Ah, Ms. Y/L, so glad you could make it." He walks over to me and shakes my hand. "I'm so glad you called me. I've been needing a little job to start out." I say to him with a polite smile. "Please have a seat in my office and we can work something out for you." Mr. George suggests. I nod my head and follow him into his office.

"Thank you again Mr. George, I can't wait to start." We walk out of his office and into the main lobby. "Oh please,
y/n, you can call me Stewart. You're part of the staff now." He smiles and gently pats me on the back. "Sorry, but I've called you Mr. George for so long it's become a habit and I'll probably never get rid of it." I chuckle lightly and he lets out a chuckle as well. "We whatever fits Ms. Y/L. Just glad to have you." We shake hands again and say our goodbyes. I walk out of the school and into my car and drive out of the parking lot and head to my apartment.

"I'm back!" I yell through the apartment I share with my friend. Sophie's head pops out from the bathroom with big curlers in her hair. She must be getting ready to go on a date with her boyfriend tonight. "Hey, how's it go?" She asks as she sprays hairspray in her hair. "Good, I start Tuesday. I'm meeting Mrs. Gonzalez Monday after schools out." As I tell Soph this her eyes almost bulge out of her head. "Mrs. Gonzalez?! Let me guess she's on-"
"Maternity leave." We say in unison and then giggling. "Well I hope it all goes well for you and the kids aren't too hard on you." She gives a little pout as in pity for me and I stick my tongue out in response.

Monday came too fast, but I was prepared none the less. I knock on the outline of the door as I see Mrs. Gonzalez putting papers in neat piles and putting them in manila folders. She looks up from her papers and big grin etched onto her face. "Y/n! It's been so long!" She squeals and waddles over to me and I decided to meet her halfway. She wraps me in a tight hug and, as it always seems, her small baby bump is in between us. "It has been too long." I look down at her bulging stomach. "Which one is this? Number three?"

She shakes her head, her grin never leaving her beautiful glowing face. "Number four." She says sheepishly, but you can tell she's proud to be a mommy. "Wow Mrs. G I can tell you e been busy these past years." She lets out a short little laugh and she hugs me again in which I return. She takes me over to her desk. "You know the drill pretty much. You know how I do my class so want to go get some tea? I can't have much caffeine and I've already downed my coffee this morning." She giggles. I nod my head and we head to the nearest coffee shop and we catch up on things.

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