LT: Studying

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"Don't forget to study for the exam tomorrow!" My anatomy teacher, Mrs. King, shouted after us when the bell rang.

I walk out of the class and walk towards my locker. "Hey y/n!" I stop and wait at the end of the hallway my friend was trying to run down. She's so tall yet she still struggles in crowds. It's so funny. "Um honey could you get out of the way? I'm trying to get to my best friend. Thanks." Jessie rolls her eyes and walks up to me and smiles. "Hey babe." I smile back at her and say hi back. We link arms and walk to my locker together.

I put in my combination as she opens the one next to her. That's how we became friends. In kindergarten, our cubbies were right next to each other and as a prank to mess with the teacher, she wanted to switch our cubbies. We shared my animal crackers and her milk carton. Friends till the end.
"So what are you doing tonight? Wanna go the the new Chinese place in the mall?" She asks as we grab our books to our next class: French. I sigh. "I have an anatomy exam to study for. I'll be up till one tomorrow morning." I groan once I realize how much I have to do. We walk into French class and sit in the back. They've been our seats since freshman year.

The bell rings and at the last minute someone races into the desk in front of me. I lean forward with a smirk. "Late again I see." His shoulders rise and fall quickly, trying to catch his breath. He turns around to face me. "We had to run a mile today. Outside! Then some kids were goofing off and knocked over the bin of dodgeballs so the whole class had to help pick up the mess." He huffs in frustration. "Lou, why don't you just drop the class?" Jessie asks. Louis shakes his head. "No I need it for the academic honors. You guys know that." Me and Jess look at each other and shrug our shoulders. I was going to say something but Madame McCoy walked in and started class.

At the end of class Louis tugs on my elbow and he tells Jess we'll catch up with her later. "Are you ready for tonight?" I mentally smacked my head. Tonight was our two-year anniversary. We've been dating ever since he asked me to the snowball dance last year. I groaned. "Lou I totally forgot about tonight. I have an anatomy exam tomorrow and I really need to study for it." We got to my locker and I grabbed my stuff. I looked at him and saw that his face had a sullen look. I put his face between my hands. "Baby I'm so sorry I totally forgot with it being exam week for me. Can we do tomorrow night maybe?" I give him my best puppy dog eyes. He sighs. "I was really wanting to be with you tonight babe." He pouts and I kiss his lips. All of a sudden his eyes widen and a big grin is plastered on his face. "How about I help you study! It's not date, but I'd do anything with you." I smile and nod my head. "Let's do it!" I peck his lips and we walk together down the hallway to our next class.
I walk out of the school doors and see Louis leaning against the driver said with his arms crossed against his chest. He was looking at something off I to the distance, but I wouldn't know what with his Ray Bans on. The sun hit his face perfectly, seeing a slight five o'clock shadow and his hair oddly had a shine to it. I smiled to myself. I love him so much. He hears my shoes scuff the ground and his head turns to me and he smiles. I get on my tip toes and lean into him and peck his lips. "Ready?" He nods is head and opens my door for me. I murmur a thank you and climb into the driver seat as Louis opens the passenger door. We drive out of the parking lot and head to my house. "Wait babe. Can you pull over i to this plaza please? I'm going to step into a store real quick." I pull into the parking lot and let him out. I turn on the radio and Usher's song, Scream comes on and I sing along.

I see you there, so hypnotic.
Thinking 'bout what I'd do to that body.
I'd get you like
Ooh baby baby, ooh baby baby-

In mid lyric Louis gets in the car. "What'd you get?" I ask. He gives me a cynical grin and a look in his blue-green eyes. "You'll see." And his left eye drops in a wink and we get back on the road to my house.

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