I'm A Homewrecker & I'm A Slut

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Maddison's POV:

Humiliated is peeing your pants in public, laughing until you accidentally let one rip in front of your crush, or getting your period without warning and you had the dumbest idea to wear white. Mortified, is being caught having sex with your boss, as the CEO of the company you work for, steps through the conference room and witnesses firsthand.

 That her husband is screwing his employee. 

My heart is pounding, chest is heaving, eyes are widened, as I pulled my stockings back up and fixed the ruffling of my dress. My boss, Tim Hudson, is standing next to me, exposing his manhood to the entire staff. Before anything was even uttered into the void, I was pushing past his wife, running down the aisle, between our cubicles, and sprinting to my desk. My hands are shaking, as I grab my telephone, and dial my best friend's number, pushing my desktop chair out of the way, as I hid myself under the desk. I can't remember how to breathe.. how do I breathe? 





I listen to the call sound of the telephone in my hands, as I'm praying to God, she chooses to pick up the phone. My mind is racing, and before I can settle on one thought. I start to hear my boss and his wife arguing down the hall in the conference room, I literally just ran from. I flinch, hearing chairs skid across the floor, and the table being flipped. 

As a few of my colleagues were beginning to whisper, eyeing me suspiciously, while they walked past my cubicle, and peeking over my cubicle walls to witness me hiding under my desk. The phone was still ringing, "pick up.. pick up.. pick up.." I mumble to myself, running my free hand through my chestnut blonde waves, as they continue to tremble. 

"Maddie? what is going on? I told you never to call me at work, unless it's an emergency!" a familiar voice ruffles through the telephone. My hand grips the phone a little harder, still struggling to slow down my heart rate, as I frantically watch who walks past my desk, praying it's not my bosses wife. 

"It is an emergency! I just got caught screwing my boss!" I whisper scream, as there's silence on the other end.

I know what you're thinking.. 

Wow, this girl is sleeping with a married man who happens to be her boss? she's totally a slut.. a home wrecker. But it's not like I actually have feelings for the man. I was just doing everything I could to maintain and continue to keep the job the was offered to me. I've been working here for months, and yes this has been going on for months. But, we were subtle and discreet. At least, Tim tried to be with me. 

"Maddie, oh my gosh, where are you?" Sam asked, but I didn't get the chance to answer. 

"MADDISON MANSON" Delilah screams, Delilah as in Tim's wife, Delilah as in my boss's boss. Delilah as in the CEO of this company. Oh yeah.. I was in trouble. 

"Sam, I gotta go, pray for me" I cried to her,

 "MADDIE" she yells, as I hand up the phone. 

The sudden sound of my name, made me flinch in fear, bumping my head under the desk of my cubicle, as I crawled out, grabbing my chair for support, so I can stand. I wiped my tears, straightening out my dress, and tucking my hair behind my ears. As I hurried, not wanting to keep her waiting, so she could scream my name again. 

As I walked down the aisles, ashamed of my poor actions, that were being flaunted for everyone of my colleagues to mock and judge. My heart continued to pound, as I felt like my ears were ringing from the sudden blood rushing to them. My whole entire body was crying of humiliation, but maybe I was just sweat. 

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