Stubborness & Fathers Leave

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Maddison's POV:

When I came to Laurie's place, after the encounter I just experienced with Hayden. I'm pretty sure I am never allowed to step foot In that restaurant again. Whoops. The girls wanted to comfort me, bombard me with, tissues and chocolate ice cream as we sat together in our pjs. But mostly, I just wanted to be left alone. 

I kept on feeling tormented by thoughts and assumptions as to what Hayden's intentions with me were. But I didn't want to sit around in my pajama's and sulk. I wanted to take my mind off things, and focus more on the important stuff. Like finding another job and renewing the lease on my past due rented apartment.

I searched online for opening positions, grabbing a few interviews here and there but never actually getting hired for the job. Morning sickness was still waking me up every night, and reminding me what I had for dinner the night before. Loren went to the pharmacy and bought me a ton of prenatal vitamins for my pregnancy. 

As her and Melody made sure I took them, as many times as told too. I was still staying with Laurie, she had moved in with her boyfriend a few months ago. And there were times where I got a glimpse of the two being affectionate and loving towards one another. I cannot deny that I felt some sort of jealousy towards Laurie and her healthy relationship. But I didn't know why I felt this way. Maybe it's just hormones. I still wasn't ready for a commitment. 

But if I was planning on raising this child, I couldn't do so on my own. I was gonna need assistance, and that required some sort of commitment. My days of sleeping around and popping birth control pills are over. I was about to be a mother soon. I needed to start planning my life as a mother, instead of favoring my own needs. 

"Hey, Laurie if it feels like I've overstayed my welcome, you can always tell me. I didn't think I would be here for that long. And I'm sorry I-" I started, but Laurie shook her head as she brought me left over Chinese food. 

"Don't be! you can stay as long as you need. Our couch is always available" she said, reassuring me with a warm smile.  

"Thank you" I said, giving her a hug as she nodded into my shoulder.

 "Of course" she said, as I sighed. 

I knew I needed to get out of her hair soon. And I couldn't believe not a single job would take me after the scandal with my boss. Okay fine, It was believable. But there had to be someone out there who would give me a chance. After all I had a baby to feed soon. After another interview that went south, I came back to Laurie's place that night to overhear an argument she was having with her boyfriend. 

"She can't keep on sleeping on our couch Laurie! this isn't a homeless shelter! she needs to go!" Benny yelled, as he and Laurie were behind a closed door. 

"She just needs some time to get on her feet! cut her some slack Benny!" Laurie argued back, and even though I appreciated her standing up for me. Benny was right. I needed to leave them. 

So I went over to the living room and grabbed my things, packing up my belongings into a bag, as Benny and Laurie's conversation died down with kissing. I pulled out my cellphone and called my mother. 

"Maddie?" she answered, as I smiled, it felt great to hear her voice. 

"Hey mom, it's me" I said, as I heard her gasp of surprise and happiness on the other end of the call. 

"How are you? is everything okay?" she asked, as I sighed, rubbing my forehead. My eyes traveled to the bags at my feet, as I was standing outside Laurie's apartment. 

"I um.. I'm fine. I just.. I lost my job a few weeks back. And I was gonna call you and tell you about it. But I got caught up with trying to fix my mistakes on my own. I didn't want you to judge me when you found out I was sleeping with my boss just to get a promotion. But I needed the money mom, my rent was spiking and I was trying to bump my salary. But everything went to crap and now I can't afford my rent. I put all my things in a storage unit for now, but I don't have anywhere to stay. Laurie's been letting me crash at her place, but it's been weeks now and I still haven't found a job. I can't stay on her couch forever." I said, as it felt good to finally tell my mother everything. 

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