Chlamydia Vs Pregnancy

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Maddison's POV:

The sex ended a few moments ago, and I was staring at the ceiling within my bedroom, lying here naked and exposed. Realizing how crappy my life had become, and how a few drinks and a quick night stand didn't change that. If anything it just made things even crappier. 

The handsome stranger had offered to drive me home in my own car, since I was even drunker than him. I felt uneasy about putting so much trust in a man I didn't even know. Though he kept on reassuring me he wasn't a serial killer. Did I mention that I hated how he could read my thoughts and facial expressions so easily? 

I felt as if each reaction or thought I was making, was just a page he was reading and turning within a book he didn't even know the title too. But I'm not a book. So why do I keep on feeling like one around him? It was driving me insane. 

I put my address in the GPS I had set up in my car, as he drove me home. When we made it to my apartment, he was asking me if I was really sure about this and that i wouldn't regret this later. But I was too busy watching him strip for me to even think of a sentence, but I knew I wanted this. Every time his hands touched me, caressed me, or felt my body, my mind kept on thinking of Tim. Cause he was the only man who's done so for months. 

And I wanted to get him out of my system, take him off my mind, I was desperate for this man to show me a good time. 

But all of that was five minutes ago, he left before an awkward conversation could erupt. And I just needed to lay here for a moment, sulk within the disaster that was my life all of a sudden. But I carried myself out of bed, went to urinate and take a shower. Trying to scrub and wash the intimacy off of my body. Then I wrapped myself in my silver silk robe, and ripped the dirty sheets off of my bed, placing them in a bin within the corner of my room. 

Once I placed a set of new sheets and blankets on my bed, I got dressed, tying my hair in a messy bun, and brushed my teeth. Falling into bed with a sigh. A sigh knowing I have to get my life back on track. A sigh knowing I'll never have my dream job again. A sigh knowing I had slept with a man who was godawful at sex. Lasted ten minutes less than my boss. 

And failed at making me feel any better about the day I've had. The end of this night, just piled more crap onto this crappier day. I roll over, holding my pillow, as I think about venting to my friends or even my mother about the day I've had. But my head is already pounding, and I felt like I was going to vomit. So I scurried to the bathroom, opened the toilet and spewed some out. I groaned, remembering this is why I don't drink often. 

On my way out of the bathroom, I grabbed my trash can and placed it near my bedside. Climbing back into bed, I closed my eyes, trying to force myself to sleep so this day could be over. Maybe then my head can be clearer and I can think as well as plan on what to do next. 

The next morning, I awoke to pounding, tons of pounding. I didn't know if it was the sound of my heart rapidly beating, or of it was my head still trying to tell me I needed to take an Advil. I groaned, grabbing my pillow and covering my head to drown out the noise. But then I realized it wasn't my head nor my heart. Someone was at my door. 

"GO AWAY" I yelled, but it was muffled by my pillow. Maybe I'm just dreaming, maybe their knocking at someone else's door and not mine. And I'm just too tired to realize this. My phone then rings, as I scramble for it on my nightstand. It falls to the floor, as I whine, and shuffle out of bed to grab it. 

It was a FaceTime call, I squinted my sleepy eyes at the screen, bringing my finger to tap the accept button. 

"Hey sleepy head, it's us! open up!" Sam says, as she shows my door in the FaceTime call, and the rest of my friends behind her. A smile crosses my face, before I end the call, roll out of bed and do so. 

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