Never Forgive & Never Forget

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Maddison's POV:

The doctor and I waited for Hayden to show up for the ultrasound for what felt like thirty whole minutes. It was giving me deja vu from when he almost stood me up at the restaurant meeting. I thought about that day a lot actually. but I never thought he would remotely try and stand me up again. Especially on one of the most important days of my pregnancy, when we find out the sex of the child. 

I was laying on the hospital bed, staring at the ceiling, contemplating whether or not the dinner Hayden and I shared the other night meant anything to him. Did it mean something deeper to me? I didn't like how Hayden was making me questions things when it came to my emotions towards him. I felt like I was at a cross roads right now. One road meant he and I could be a family and I could forgive him, cause he's different now. The other road, is the road I have been on for so long, which is the grudge I hold between him and I that is preventing me from forgiving him. 

I didn't want to keep my doctor waiting, and I was considering rescheduling this ultrasound for a later date. But before I could I open my mouth to speak, Hayden comes flying through the door in a hurry. I sit up slowly on the hospital bed, resting my weight on my elbows, as I look at Hayden who is panting and sweating like he just ran a few miles. 

"I am so sorry I'm late, personal emergencies came up.. literally out of nowhere. And I tried to get here as fast as I could"  he said, putting his hands on his knees as he was trying to catch his breath. 

"Did you run here?" I asked, as the doctor looked surprised that he made it. And to be honest, so did i. 

"Yes.. is it obvious?" he asked, walking over to me. Giving me a smile, as I could see the sweat dripping through his white tank top that was sleeveless. 

Giving me a front row seat to his muscular arms and stunning biceps. I then forced a smile, feeling my cheeks flush, as I cleared my throat. 

"But hey, you're here now" the doctor said, taking out the transducer. 

"Yes let's see what the gender is" he says very giddy, like making me giggle. 

I lift my shirt to show my stomach, as it was slightly bulged from my baby bump. The doctor places the jelly on, as I'm familiar with the coldness. 

After a few seconds of analyzing the monitor, and running a few tests. 

The doctor looks over at us with a smile, 

"it's a girl" he says, making my heart flutter, as my eyes fill with tears of joy. 

"it's a girl?" I whisper, as the doctor nods. 

I look over at Hayden, who's staring at the doctor and the monitor in shock, but I can see the glossiness in his eyes. I take Hayden's hand in mine, and give it a squeeze as he places his hand over mine, and brings it to his lips. Chuckling in awe. 

"Congratulations to you both" the doctor said, printing out a picture of the ultrasound, before wiping the substance off my stomach. 

Hayden leans next to me, as we stare at the photo of our daughter together in amazement. And I just knew it was moments like these that he and were going to remember forever. 

Hayden offered to drive me home, but I told him I needed a moment alone to think. I didn't really need to think, I just needed to rave about the fact that I was having a daughter. So I was blasting joyful music all the way home, and screaming at the top of my lungs. I'M HAVING A GIRL LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. I loved how the universe was on my side. 

Once I pulled up at the beach house, Hayden waits for me by the front door, as I unlock the door and allow him to follow me inside. 

"So where were you?" I asked, walking into the kitchen, eyeing the house for my mother as he was behind me. 

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