Chapter 2 - Living in a Shadow

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Allison's POV
When we get back to the states, Trevor introduces me to his friend Jess. Jess introduces me to her other friend Maggie at one of the hockey games.

Maggie doesn't usually go to Trevor's in state games with Jess, but she came this time because it's over the weekend.

Jess is friends with my brother too and she introduces Maggie to Jack. When Maggie shakes Jack's hand, I can tell that it's love at first sight for both of them. I swear, I can almost see hearts forming on Jack's eyes.

"It's nice to meet you, Maggie." Jack mutters with a dazed look on his face. I stifle a laugh and am met with an angry look from my brother.

"It's nice to meet you too, Jack. I should probably get going. I'll see you later," Maggie says with a smile.

I watch Jess give Trevor a big hug and Trevor's cheeks are flushed red with embarrassment. As Jess leaves, I walk over to Trevor and smirk.

"That was subtle," I say. Trevor sighs.

"Be quiet, Hughes." He mutters, rolling his eyes.

Jess runs back over to me and hands me a piece of paper.

"This is mine and Maggie's phone numbers and snaps. Hope to talk to you soon," Jess says before running back over to join Maggie.

"I think we should all sleepover tonight. We don't have a game tomorrow so we could stay up super late and play video games," Trevor says. Jack nods.

"Sounds awesome. I'll ask my parents if we can do it at my house,"

"Jack, I don't know if mom and dad'll like that idea." I say with a frown. Jack rolls his eyes.

"You don't know that. I'll go ask,"

From my personal experience, I've never been allowed to have friends over for a sleepover. Pretty sure it was mostly because of having three brothers who were always away for a sport. I don't think I've even had a proper birthday party.

My brother jogs back over to us with a big smile on his face and I know it means that our parents said yes to the sleepover.

"My mom said we can, but I can only invite three guys over." Jack says. Trevor, Cole, and Alex push their way through the group and give Jack a big hug.

"You're my best friend, Jack." Cole says. Trevor nods.

"Yeah. You're the best," he says. Jack laughs.

"Okay. Cole, Trevor, and Alex, you guys can sleepover."

I watch the two boys jump up and down with excitement and give my brother another hug.

For the first time in a long time, I'm super annoyed and jealous of my brother. Jack, Quinn, and Luke have been given everything they ever wanted because they played hockey and I didn't.

Sometimes I wish I had an interest in ice hockey so my parents would pay more attention to me.

Cole notices me looking hurt and walks over to me.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks. I shrug.

"Yeah. I'm fine," I mutter. Cole frowns.

"No. You're not fine. What's wrong?" He presses. I sigh.

I don't want to tell Cole what's wrong. I've only known him for like a week. What's eating me alive is something that I would tell a friend I've known for a while, not a boy on my brother's hockey team.

"Please tell me," Cole pleads.

"Okay. I'll tell you tonight at the sleepover," I say. Cole places a hand on my shoulder.

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