Chapter 13 - Moving Day

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Cole's POV
The day has finally come. Allie is moving to Montreal today and I'm at the airport picking her up.

Most of her moving boxes came to my apartment via the mail a couple of days ago. I didn't open any of them, but I did take a few of them down to the rental property because they were labeled for the boutique.

I'm a little nervous to be sharing my apartment with Allie. I'm still in love with her and sharing my apartment with her could be hard on me.

Allie walks out the doors of the airport and runs towards me, dragging her suitcase behind her. She leaps into my arms to give me a hug.

"Cole, it's so good to see you!" She says excitedly. I smile warmly.

"It's good to see you too, Allie Cat. I'll take your bag,"

I grab her bag and toss in the trunk of my car. Allie gets in the passenger seat of my car and I get in the driver's seat to start it up.

The drive to my apartment isn't long, but the uncomfortable silence is excruciating.

When we get to my apartment, I grab Allie's bag out of my car's trunk.

"I got your packages in the mail a couple of days ago. I promise I didn't open them," I say as we enter my apartment.

"Okay. Where's your guest room?" Allie asks.

"Oh, it's over here. Here's the bedroom and the bathroom. You can keep all of your toiletries in the bathroom. I don't care what you do. Just make yourself at home," I explain. Allie smiles.

"Thanks. I guess I'll get settled in then and unpack some boxes. I've gotta make this room look lived in before I unpack my clothes,"

Allie gets down on her knees and opens up one of the boxes. She puts sheets on the bed and decorates the walls with some framed photos.

A few are art pieces that look like they're from Hobby Lobby, but a majority of them are pictures of her friends and family. She even has a photo of me, her, Jack, Trevor, and Alex from the day we all got drafted.

Allie's wearing a pretty red cocktail dress while Jack, Alex, Trevor, and I are all wearing our draft jerseys over top our nice shirts and ties. We all have big smiles on our faces too.

I remember that day like it was yesterday.

All five of us were eighteen years old. It was June and all of us had just graduated high school about two weeks before the draft.

After the draft, all the newly drafted teams players had an after party with all their family and friends to celebrate their accomplishment.

Jack, Trevor, and I all swapped jerseys. I was wearing Jack's, Jack was wearing Trevor's, and Trevor was wearing mine.

All three of us got to do karaoke together. None of us can sing to save our lives, but it was still fun. We even pulled Allie into it.

That day changed my life and now here I am in Montreal, sharing an apartment with the girl of my dreams and we're not even dating.

"You like that picture?" Allie asks with a smile. I nod.

"Yeah. Makes me think about draft day. That was a lot of fun,"

"Yeah. It was. Wanna help me unpack?" Allie says. I shrug.

"Sure. I'd love to,"

Allison's POV
Although I really wanted to finish unpacking my room, I figure unpacking everything for my new company is more important.

The day after I arrive in Montreal, Cole drives me to the rental property he purchased for me. I still wish I could pay him back for it, but he won't let me.

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