Chapter 33

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The air seemed to stagnate for a moment, and Yu Yuan thought her desires were causing her to hallucinate.

"What did you just say?"

She watched his lips move as he repeated his previous words.

"I said marry me."

Was he joking? Yu Yuan looked at him. His eyes were deep, but they reflected his seriousness. Knowing he wasn't joking didn't solve the mystery. It only brought more questions.


Huo Wei raised his hand to push a button that closed the partition between the front seat and the backseat. It looked like he was preparing to say something important.

"You're the first woman I've ever felt attracted to," he started. "This feeling is rare for me, and I've always thought it was useless and sometimes a hindrance. But after meeting you, I find that I don't hate this feeling. If anything, I like it, and the things that I like, I always obtain and keep for myself."

Yu Yuan blinked. Should she start from the last part of that sentence? She'll ignore that for now.

"Simple attraction is not enough reason to get married. What's logical is asking me out on a few dates before asking me to be your girlfriend. And that's still a long way before marriage?"

A glint appeared in his eyes. "My attraction to you can't be defined as simple. Your entire person is a temptation to me. I think about you constantly, and I get irritated by the fact that I don't have you by my side. My interest in you is abrupt and intense, and being my girlfriend isn't enough. I won't feel at peace if I don't have you all to myself, and I want to be sure that I'm the only one who has the right to all of you."

He leaned closer to her, adding another layer of oppressive impact to his presence, and continued.

"I saw you smile at him. Do you know how I felt when I saw that? It was like I had swallowed magma, and I wanted to incinerate him. But I can't tell you not to smile at any other man. I don't have that right. I want full exclusive rights to you, so I want you to marry me."

Yu Yuan stared, her eyes bored into him. He looked like he wanted to kidnap her and hide her from the rest of the world. How scary...not.

She terribly wanted to jump him but had to restrain herself. Some things needed to be set straight first.

"In other words, you are obsessed with me and feel possessive about me. You don't really like me but are driven by selfish interest."

Huo Wei's brows knitted slightly. "I suppose that's correct."

"Why should I agree?"

He looked her dead in the eye and said, "Because you are attracted to me too."

Yu Yuan didn't feel any shock or embarrassment at being outed. "Any normal woman that sees you will be attracted to you, and even for that normal woman attraction is not enough reason. Plus, your intentions would scare anyone away."

"But you are not a normal person. Your reactions so far have confirmed it. When I moved closer, your pupils dilated, and your breathing slightly quickened. I'm sure that if I could measure your heartbeat, I'll find that it increased. Am I wrong?"

"How do you know I wasn't afraid?"

"Because of the gleam in your eyes. You looked like you wanted to undress me badly, even now you look like that. You want me like I want you but maybe not as intense."

Oops. Busted.

"I won't deny that, but marriage is very complicated."

Huo Wei nodded in agreement. "Ok. Then let's make things simple. Let's enter into an agreement. We'll try marriage for a year. After a year, we can decide to either stay together or get a divorce."

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