Chapter 36

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It was 9:00 am when they arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau. As if afraid she would run away, Huo Wei was at her doorstep by 8:30 am.

Yu Yuan teased him about it a little to which he replied, "I trust that you won't play the runaway bride. But the thought of seeing you earlier, even if it's just for 30 mins, made it worth it because I think about you constantly. Your presence is soothing and always brings me a rush of dopamine."

The smile on Yu Yuan's face grew wider. "Sweet talker "

It was a Saturday, but there weren't many people there yet. Huo Wei led her into the building. They didn't stay long as the staffs were very efficient. An hour later, the receptionist's regretful eyes led them out.

Heavens! That was the most handsome man she had ever seen in her pitiful lifetime, and he was officially off the market today. Sob! Sob!

But she only felt slight envy and nothing more. The woman next to him might not be a dazzling beauty, but she gave off a unique charm that let people know she was anything but ordinary. They looked very compatible. Seeing them together as a couple, one could only exclaim, "As expected!"

She wished them a blissful marriage.

The car drove them back to Yu Yuan's house. She had packed her things, ready to move in with Huo Wei, and she was going to pick them up. Huo Wei would drop her off before continuing to his office. In order to spend some days with her, he still had some work to deal with.

Yu Yuan held the red booklet in her hands as she admired their wedding picture. In the picture, Huo Wei didn't look as cold as he normally was, but he was still very intimidating. Yu Yuan next to him had a fine and gentle aura that cut down the intimidation by more than half. No matter how one looked at it, they looked like a well-matched couple.

"Husband, you really should smile more. If one didn't know better, they would think I'm a helpless bunny you abducted."

A small corner of Huo Wei's lips curved up a little. Clearly, he enjoyed the new mode of address. "Other people are inconsequential. As long as you know, that's enough. Only you are important."

Yu Yuan turned to look at him. "You must have taken some honey this morning. You have a sweet tongue."

Her words seemed to have reminded him of something as he raised his hand to brush across her lips, before saying in a husky voice. "There's only one honey I'm craving, and I intend to feast on it tonight."

With his words, the atmosphere in the car quickly transformed into something more heated. Yu Yuan's eyes squinted. "Careful, President Huo. Your cold persona is quickly falling apart."

"Of what use is a persona before my wife."

"Hmm. True."

When they arrived at her house, Huo Wei turned to her. "Some people are coming to help you move. I already informed the Housekeeper Zhong to expect and assist you. I'm almost done with my workload, so I'll try to be home early today. Take care of yourself, and I'll see you tonight."

Yu Yuan agreed obediently, "Ok."

His eyes darkened a little at her well-behaved appearance even though he knew she was not. Yu Yuan made to get out of the car, but he held her arm and pulled. She looked back puzzled, and questioned, "What? Did you forget something?"

Huo Wei gave her ears a gentle touch that sent shivers through her. Then he said lowly, "Don't forget to wait for me."

A smile crept on her face. Before pushing the door open, she quipped, "You are such a tease."

He watched her enter the building before telling the driver to drive away.

Less than 30 mins after she entered her apartment, the movers arrived. Their work didn't take long as Yu Yuan didn't have much to pack because it hadn't been long since she moved into the apartment. The movers drove off first, and she followed them to the Huo Family Mansion.

When she arrived at the mansion, Housekeeper Zhong was already waiting for her, and he had also ordered the staff to move her belongings into the mansion. Behind Housekeeper Zhong, the rest of the staff were neatly lined up to welcome her.

"Madam, welcome to the Huo Family Mansion," Housekeeper Zhong greeted. The rest of the staff bowed in unison.

"We are at your beck and call. Anything you want, we will try our very best to fulfill it."

Yu Yuan nodded at him. "Thank you, Housekeeper Zhong."

Housekeeper Zhong quickly refused her thanks. "Please, Madam, no need for thanks. It's our duty, and we are happy to carry it out."

He led her into the mansion. "Your belongings have already been moved to the main bedroom. Would you like me to show you the room, or would you like a tour of the mansion first?"

Yu Yuan looked around the mansion. She was curious about where Huo Wei spent his time when he wasn't working. "Show me around."

The Huo family mansion had a long history. Even though it had undergone several renovations, it couldn't erase the ancient air around it. It was very large and opulent. The mansion also emitted an aura of low-key luxury, and antiques tastefully decorated the interior.

There was a garden at the back that was carefully tended to. Orchids, roses, chrysanthemums, and many other flowers were carefully planted in order. There were also wall climbers like wisteria and clematis that decorated the walls of the garden. It was clear that the garden was well tended to seeing that the plants were flourishing.

Yu Yuan nodded in approval. This was a nice place to relax and read a few books.

Housekeeper Zhong led her back in, where he showed her the study. In the study, there were huge windows that let in ample lighting. There was a huge mahogany desk close to the middle. It was most likely where Huo Wei spent his time when he was working at home. The study also doubled as a mini library. The walls were covered with books of all kinds. Many of them were in foreign languages.

The housekeeper also showed her the kitchen. Yu Yuan loved food. Hence, she developed an interest in cooking. Thankfully she didn't possess a black hand that turned dishes into dark cuisine. After years of practice, her proficiency gradually grew to the level of a professional.

She had a wide palate, so she mastered many types of cuisine. The state-of-the-art kitchen in the Huo Family Mansion was probably her favorite part of the mansion.

By the time they finished the tour, lunchtime had already passed. She had the chef make her a quick lunch before she went to the master bedroom to unpack.

The room has already been rearranged to accommodate another person. There was a vanity table in the room. The bathroom had new cabinets installed, and Huo Wei's clothes had been moved to one side of the closet.

Yu Yuan spent the next couple of hours unpacking and arranging. When she finished, it was almost time for dinner. Because she had moved around a bit today, she took a quick shower before moving downstairs.

The chef was already preparing dinner when she got downstairs. Yu Yuan looked at the ready dishes and the ones still on the stove and thought to surprise her husband with a dish of her own.

Author's Note
I wonder if anyone is looking forward to the wedding night. 🌚🌚🌚

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