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015, HER


Reiner sat upright, his back pressed against the wall, while his hand cradled a likely newly broken rib. Levi grimaced, spitting on his shoe in sheer disgust.

"You're fully aware that you're an absolute asshole," Levi seethed, his glare radiating anger. Reiner, as he had done before, maintained a stoic silence, showing no inclination to defend himself or respond to Levi's accusation.

The race had commenced approximately 15 minutes ago and should have concluded by now. The thought of Y/N being trapped in a car with someone like Annie, who had the potential to harm her, churned my stomach. However, I was stuck here, obligated to watch over Reiner, waiting for him to break his silence.

But this stubborn son of a bitch refused to say a peep.

Levi's frustration mounted as Reiner persisted in his silence, seemingly unfazed by the gravity of the situation. He tightly clenched his fists, causing his knuckles to turn white, and took a deep breath in an attempt to regain composure before speaking again.

"I can't comprehend you, Reiner. We placed our trust in you, fought by your side, and this is how you repay us?" Levi's voice carried a tinge of disappointment and a hint of betrayal. He had always held Reiner in high esteem, and now it felt as if everything had come crashing down.

Slowly, Reiner lifted his head, meeting Levi's gaze with a weariness that suggested he bore the weight of the world on his shoulders. "I did what I had to. I was protecting my people from yours."

I scoffed, anger surging through me. "Your people? I'm sorry, I thought we were your people," I retorted, my eyebrows furrowing in disbelief.

Reiner remained silent, his gaze fixed on the ceiling as if searching for the right words to say.

Levi, evidently having had enough, delivered a forceful kick to the top of Reiner's head, causing it to snap downward and rendering him motionless.

A moment of silence enveloped the room before Armin began to panic. "Captain, holy fuck, he's still alive, right?"

Cutting him off, I assured, "He's alive," pointing to Reiner's chest, which exhibited the faintest rise and fall. "Unfortunately."

Levi had already stormed out of the room, and Erwin swiftly followed suit, instructing us to clean up the aftermath.

With a frustrated sigh, I pushed myself away from the wall, retrieving a roll of duct tape and other necessary supplies to secure Reiner. Tossing a roll of duct tape to Armin, I crouched down to Reiner's level, binding his ankles together with a couple of zip ties.

As I finished tying up Reiner's ankles, Armin hesitantly asked, "Are we really doing this? Tying him up like a criminal I mean?"

I paused for a moment, considering Armin's question. But I wasn't even given a chance to reply as the door busted open, revealing a clearly distressed Sasha. Her face was flushed and tears were threatening to fall at any second. She stood there silently, eyes darting between Armin, Reiner and I as her mouth moved to form words but nothing came out.

Armin practically flew towards her, placing a hand on her shoulder in a worried manner. "What's going on Sasha- is everything alright?"

"She's dead." Was all she could manage before her face began to pale. I rushed over and helped Armin move her over to the couch which she collapsed onto, her back sinking into the back rest.


Her face, her voice, every aspect of her existence flooded my mind. My hands trembled uncontrollably as a whirlwind of possibilities raced through my thoughts. My stomach twisted into knots, churned with unease. Why did I feel such overwhelming concern for her? Was it because I was the one who had introduced her to this chaotic world?

The weight of responsibility pressed heavily upon me. Y/n had been thrust into the midst of danger and uncertainty because of my actions. I had willingly exposed her to a life filled with peril and darkness. The realization gnawed at my conscience, fueling a mix of guilt and anxiety.

I took a deep breath gathering the courage to finally ask the question. "Who's dead Sasha." I questioned, my voice coming out uneven.

"Annie- Annie she- oh my god." Armin rubbed her back in an attempt to calm her. "Y/N slammed the breaks on the car and Annie's head slammed onto the dashboard and she won't wake up-"

That was all I needed to hear. I sprinted out of the room, jumping down the stairs in a panic. My eyes darted around the area for my car but I quickly remembered that Y/N had been driving it so I continued sprinting towards the finish line.

Sasha's words hung in the air, shattering my world with their devastating impact. Annie, the one who had caused so much chaos and destruction, now lay motionless, a victim of the very chaos she had sown. And Y/n had been caught in the crossfire.

This is all my fault.

The adrenaline surged through my veins, propelling me forward as I sprinted with desperate urgency. My heart pounded in my ears, the fear and anguish fueling my every stride. I had to find Y/n, to see with my own eyes that she was alive, that she had survived the accident.

The crowd blurred around me as I raced towards the finish line. The deafening thud of my own footsteps echoed in my ears, drowning out the chaotic sounds of the race. Thoughts of Y/n consumed my mind, the image of her determined face, her unwavering spirit, urging me forward.

Every passing second felt like an eternity as I searched for any sign of her. The panic grew, intertwining with a deep-rooted guilt. If only I had been there, if only I had taken the wheel, maybe this tragedy could have been averted. The weight of responsibility pressed upon me once again, threatening to suffocate my resolve.

Finally, I reached the scene of the accident, my heart pounding against my ribcage. The sight before me was both haunting and relieving. The wreckage of the car, the shattered glass, and the concerned onlookers all blurred into a backdrop of chaos. And there, in the midst of it all, was Y/n, disoriented but alive.

I ran over to her and grabbed her shoulders, pulling her into my chest. She didn't move for a second, probably still shocked but she quickly wrapped her arms around me, pressing her face into the crook of my neck.

Her lips parted against my skin and I could feel them quiver as she began to speak. "I killed her, Eren. I killed someone." Her words were laced with an undeniable guilt.

This really was all my fault. 


eren is so cute i love him

also howdy ya'll (in my cowboy era like lesserafim) I got so busy with school and like 3 months passes LMAOOO but uh i'm back so expect updates once of twice a week

will probably come back and edit this chapter.

- star :)

word count: 1154 !!!!!

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