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020, idiot

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Avoidance had become my lifestyle without me even realizing. I'd made up excuses to not show up to team meetings at the warehouse, skillfully dodged Eren's phone calls and unexpected visits, and managed to walk right past him on campus by keeping my head down. It wasn't exactly my intent to ignore him, but the minute I let my mind wander in his direction my face became hot and my heart threatened to explode out of my chest. I was embarrassed to see him because I knew he would act like the kiss meant nothing. 

I pressed my lips into a thin line as I quickly packed my bag to rush out of my Thursday morning lecture, determined to make it to the nice library before it got too packed. I grabbed my leather jacket (which wasn't actually mine, but Eren's) and made my way towards the exit door where most of the girls were crowded around, whispering excitedly. I caught a few of them looking my way, some of them giggling- most of them frowning. 

"Get going everyone, I got another class coming in." The professor said loudly, a twinge of annoyance dripping off his words. This seemed to do the trick as everyone moved along quicker, and I followed them, ready to sprint across campus the minute I left the hall. 

But as I stepped out of my class, my eyes widened and I felt my heart do a little skip. Eren stood outside wearing a similar outfit to mine- jeans, a teeshirt and one of his other leather jackets- and he held a boquete of baby pink flowers. He looked up from his phone, the hairs framing his face falling perfectly into place as his eyes met mine. A small grin tugged on the corners of his lips as he walked towards me.

"Hey." Eren whispered, placing a hand on my waist. My entire body burned at the feeling of his touch, and my muscles relaxed without my consent. Fuck. 

I looked down at the floor, not wanting to meet his eyes. "Hi." It was so soft he probably didn't even hear it. My eyes wandered to the flowers, and I cleared my throat. "What girl did you get those for." My tone was joking, and I could practically feel his gaze soften. 

"A really pretty girl that I really fucking like." His green eyes seemed to be brighter then usual, the small brown and blue flecks seemed to swirl around, making me dizzy. "But she's been ignoring me for a while." 

My brows furrowed. "I'm not ignoring you." I blurt out, my body seared with embarrassment as his hand makes it's way to my face, tucking my hair behind my ear. 

Gripping my chin, he forced me to look up at him so I could catch the glint of amusement in his eyes. "Who said I was talking about you?" 

"If you aren't talking about me, you better keep one eye open when you're asleep and tell the girl she needs to move to the other side of the fucking world." I mumbled, and his laugh floated through the hall. Without a second thought, I drop my jacket and wrap my arms around his torso, my head leaning against his chest that seemed to pound just as fast as mine. "You're laughing right now but when you don't have a dick you're gonna be sorry."

His laugh subsided into a chuckle as he pushes me away slightly so that his lips could brush against mine. Surprise flooded into me as Eren wrapped his free arm around my waist, pulling me so close that I felt like I couldn't breath. As he pulled away, far to quickly for my liking I noticed the small cut on his cheekbone that had begun to form a scab. "When did that happen?" 

Eren shrugged and placed the flowers in my arm, grabbing my free hand and interlocking our fingers. I wanted to pry his brain open and figure out the truth, but I could tell he wasn't in the mood to tell me about what had happened so I decided to wait it out until we were alone. 

"So.. How did you know I had this class right now?" I asked as we walked towards the parking lot.

Eren's hand left mine for as he grabbed his keys from his pocket, unlocking the car. "I called Hitch and she found your planner." 

I frowned at him. "Hitch is already convinced that were dating and I'm hiding it from her. Why would you ask her where I am?" 

"Because we're dating?" 





I blinked at Eren rapidly, my lips tugging into a huge smile. "We're dating? You. Me. Dating?" I let out an obnoxious laugh. 

He nodded his heat, staring at me like I was an alien. "That's what I just said?" 

My jaw dropped open and my knees felt weak. "When the fuck did that happen?"

"At the party?" Eren's frown grew. "Please don't tell me you don't remember." 

I snort. "Noooo what.. Of course I remember!" 

His eyebrows furrow. "Of course you don't remember. You got so fucking drunk you blacked out."


"So you set me up for failure." I mutter angrily as we come to stop in front of his apartment building.

"Ain't my fault you're a fucking idiot and a terrible drinker." His smile hardened into a playful grin, and it took everything in me to not reach over and kiss him right then and there. 

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah, whatever. Keep yapping and being an ass to your girlfriend. Let's see how far that gets you." 

Eren accepts the final blow without reply, then steps out of the car, closing his door behind him, before moving to my side and opening my door. As I step out and close the door behind me, he places his hands on my hips, pushing me against the car. 

"It's really does suck that you don't remember." He whispers in my ear, placing a chaste kiss on my neck which sends a shiver down my spine. "I practically got down on one knee in front of everyone." 

My eyes widen and I push against his chest so I could see his face. "No fucking way." 

He smiles at me, before leaning in an planting his lips on top of mine. I felt his tongue sweep against my bottom lip, asking for entry. I don't give him the pleasure of being able to and push at his chest again. He doesn't look amused. 

"You can't just tell me you got down on one knee and asked me out and then not even tell me anything about it." I force a pleading look onto my face and it seems to do the trick as he lays his head in my neck. "Hurry up and tell me." 

"Connie fucking pushed my knees in and I fell to my knees. And then everyone started fucking chanting and I was so drunk that I straight up asked you to marry me." 

I felt Eren's face heat up against my neck causing me to giggle. "So we're engaged?" 

His voice was so quiet I almost didn't catch his response. "You said no." 

I let out a small giggle. "Did I embarrass you my love?" My hands brushed through his hair in an attempt to comfort him so I could get more information out of him. 

"Shut up." 



mb for dying again. ap calc kicked my ass. 

anyways THIS CHAPTER <33333333333

I'm gonna try to update 2-3 more times over the next week!

luv yah! 

- star

word count: 1269

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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