Chapter 11

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It’s eight am and I am already dressed and waiting to see Nkanyiso. He said he will come in the morning and I woke up very early to clean and make sure I am presentable. This is the first time meeting him since that night. I have a feeling things are going to be awkward. I now know that he is a married man but still, I want to be with him. God will have to forgive me for this one.

I quickly stand when someone knocks on my door. It’s Tiana. “Hey.”

“You look disappointed, are you expecting someone?”

“Nkanyiso said he will come in the morning when we talked last night,” I say and cross my fingers that she doesn’t give me the lecture.

“I wanted to tell you that the salon down the block is hiring if you need a job. You are good at doing hair, you do my hair all the time. I would have told you sooner but we were not on speaking terms.”

“I don’t want to touch people’s dirty hair. I want a job but not that kind of job,” I reply.

“Fine, I am going there to try my luck.”

Tiana can also do hair. We don’t go to the salon, we do each other’s hair. I walk up to her and hug her, “Good luck and I know you will get the job.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to try your luck too?”

I shake my head, “It’s not for me. I don’t think I can handle that kind of job.”

“Okay then see you later.”

I make myself breakfast soon after Tiana leaves. I check my phone and I have no text message from Nkanyiso. I wonder if he is still coming. Maybe he is busy with his wife. His wife – the words leave a bitter taste in my mouth. You know what, I am going to call him.

Nkanyiso: Hey Nandi, how are you?

Me: I see I am no longer your love.

Nkanyiso: I am sorry it is just that I have a busy morning and my mind is all over the place.

Me: Does that mean you are not coming?

Nkanyiso: (curses) I forgot, I am so sorry. It’s Monday and things are hectic at work. I will make it up to you, I promise.

Me: Fine.

Nkanyiso: Hey don’t be sad. This doesn’t mean I don’t care about you. I just got busy with work.

Me: It’s okay.

Nkanyiso: Any plans for the day?

Me: I have no plans.

Nkanyiso: I will send you more money on the card so you and Tiana can spoil yourselves. In fact, I think there is enough money for that.

Me: I would have loved to be with you instead.

Nkanyiso: I am all yours this weekend, I promise.

Me: If you say so.

Nkanyiso: Let me get back to work. I love you!

Me: I love you too.

I hang up and continue eating. I wonder if he treats his wife the same way he treats me. I wonder how much he spoils her. So he has money to spoil her and me? Or maybe he is one of those men that ill-treat their wife and spend all their money with their side chick. I can’t believe I am now a side chick. Vukile did mention Nkanyiso being married and I just ignored it. Does it mean I will remain a side chick forever?


Work is hectic today. Calls are coming in left and right. Everyone is so busy that I don’t even have anyone to hold in for me for just a bathroom break. Luckily Sammy always checks up on me and holds in for me when there is a need. I know she also uses that opportunity to get away from Mr Adams. I love how he yells at everyone except Samantha. Samantha knows how to put him in his place and he cannot fire her because he needs her. Also, he has never yelled at me – I guess I am lucky.

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