Chapter 16

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It has been two days since the becoming Mrs Madida drama happened. Nkanyiso told me that he still loves me and still wants me in his life. That is a relief. I also told him that I have nothing against his wife. If he feels he still needs to go after her then I am fine with it. Although I would have loved it if he was mine alone. Maybe this is the way the universe is bringing us together. I know that Leah was hurt but maybe it wasn’t meant to be.

Today I am making lunch for my man. I offered to bring him lunch at his workplace and he permitted me. I cannot wait to see him and make him feel better. I know he has been sad about his wife. I want him to know that it is okay for him to be sad about his wife leaving him. After all, they have been together for eight years so it is understandable. I am going to console him and show him that he will also have a great life with me.

“Nandi!” Tiana barges into my apartment. Shouldn’t she be at work?

“Hey, is everything okay?”

“I just received a call from home, my mother is sick. There is no one to watch her so I have to go home now,” she says.

“What about work, Tiana?”

“I don’t know, I could lose my job but my mother matters more,” she answers.

“How about we send some money? We can also pay someone to take her to the hospital and keep an eye on her.”

She sighs, “You know I can’t afford that.”

“But I can…let me help you. You are always helping me.”

“I don’t know, Nandi. I won’t be able to pay you back anytime soon,” she says.

I know that but I want to help anyways. Tiana helped me a lot back when I wasn’t able to take care of myself. She would help me pay rent and buy me groceries. I have to do this for her. We have been friends since we were eight and I know we can get someone to watch her mother. After all, there is nothing money cannot buy.


Leah left me. She didn’t want to think about it. She just left. She didn’t take anything. Not even her car or clothes. I have tried calling her but she is rejecting my calls and I am banned from her office building so there is no talking to her. I don’t know where she stays or who she stays with. I know she says we are done and that I must leave her alone but Leah is my life. I know she feels betrayed but I swear it wasn’t my intention to fall in love with Nandi.

Right now I have my car parked outside Leah’s building. I had to bribe someone that works in the building to call her for me but not tell her it is me. I have been waiting for the past fifteen minutes and still no sign of her. I sigh in relief when I see Leah walking up to the car I am in. Today I am not driving my car.

She gets into the passenger’s seat and folds her arms, “What do you want?”

“I miss you, please come back home.”

She scoffs, “Are you tired of Nandi already?”

“It’s not about that…I love you. So you are just going to throw away everything we have built? Leah, I never said I don’t love you.”

“But your actions say otherwise. Nkanyiso you cheated on me – how do you think that makes me feel?” she says. I try to hold her hand but she it shifts away.

“I am sorry.”

“I am sorry too. I wasted eight years of my life with someone that doesn’t even respect me,” she says.

“I do respect you. Leah people get in polygamous relationships all the time.”

She shakes her head, “Then go to those people. I am coming to get my daughter today. I don’t want anything from you but her.”

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