Chapter 29

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Nkanyiso doesn’t make a fuss about me leaving. I am glad he is respecting my decision of wanting some time to think. At this point, I don’t know whether he is giving me time because he cares about me enough to respect my decision or maybe he doesn’t care. Maybe the only person he cares about is Leah. At this point, I wish I was Leah. At least he loves her enough to chase after her. He loves her to an extent of faking divorce papers because he doesn’t want to lose her.

Should I listen to Mazwi? Should I walk away? I drive to Tiana’s apartment. They still know me at the flat so they let me in. I greet the guard and then park my car properly since I will be spending the night. I miss this place. I was happier when I was staying here.

I knock and let myself into Tiana’s apartment. She is cooking. She meets me across the room and hugs me, “Finally you decide to visit me!”

“Isn’t you are always at work.”

“Am I at work now?” she takes my bag and puts it on the couch, “How are you?”

“Not bad, I guess.”

“Do you want some wine?” she asks us to go to the kitchen.

“I don’t feel like wine today.”

She looks at me with furrowed brows, “Since when do you turn down wine?”

“Since my problems became bigger than me.”

“What’s wrong Nandi?” she sits on the high chair.

I also sit down, “Nkanyiso lied to me again. He did not divorce his wife. They are still married. The divorce papers Leah signed were fake. He admitted it in front of the family today. His family was at the house to beg Leah to fix things with Nkanyiso. They just ignored me as if I wasn’t there. I think to them, I am just a person that came between two people that love each other.”

“I am sorry friend. I am sure that must have hurt. But why did Nkanyiso fake the divorce papers? Is that illegal?”

I shrug, “I don’t know but it’s clear he still loves Leah and doesn’t want to lose her. He didn’t seem to care that I find out that he is still married to Leah. Even when he came to me, he acted as if everything was fine.”

“Nandi, why do you keep doing this to yourself? You know what to do, don’t let a man show you many times that you don’t mean anything to him. I know that you love him but friend come on, don’t you see what this man is doing?”

I wipe the tears off my face, “I see it, Tiana. Trust me I do and trust me it hurts me more but it’s hard to move on.”

“I know you are scared that no man will love you as he does but Nandi you are beautiful and can get any man you want. Don’t let this man continue to hurt you like this. Unlike his wife, you don’t have a child with him so nothing will be tying you to him. You two are not married and do not share a child, choose you.”

“I wish it was that easy,” I say, “I wish nothing was tying me to him.”

“What do you mean?”

“I am pregnant! I am carrying his child. How do I walk away now? How will I be able to raise a child by myself?” I cry.

“Oh Nandi, I didn’t know…how far are you?”

I answer, “Five weeks, I found out a couple of days ago.”

“Did you tell him?”

I shake my head, “Not yet. He is going to Durban and I wanted to tell him when he comes back.”

“A baby is a blessing. The million dollar is, do you still want to be with Nkanyiso?”

“Didn’t you hear me when I said I am carrying his child?” I say, “How do I raise a child on my own?”

“You can raise a child on your own, Nandi. Don’t use the baby as an excuse to stay in a toxic relationship. And, you are not on your own. You have me and you have your family.”

“I wouldn’t want my child growing up without a father. I know what it is like to grow up without a father and I wouldn’t want that for my child,” I reply.

“As you said before you can make your own decisions but I think this is a bad idea. All this man does is lie to you. How could you let yourself get pregnant for such a man?”

I say, “I didn’t let myself get pregnant. It happened on its own. That is what happens when two people sleep together.”

“Still I wouldn’t want you to feel like you don’t have anyone. I want you to know that you are not stuck with that man. I can help you find a job, hell I can even help you maintain that child.”

I smile. It’s nice to know that someone cares about me, “Thanks, Tiana.”

“Let me dish for us. Vukile was here a couple of days ago.”

“What did he want?” I ask, “He knows I moved.”

“He said he was here to visit me. You know what your brother is like, he ended up asking me for money.”

I laugh, “That is Vukile for you. I hope you didn’t give him the money he was asking for.”

“He is very persistent, I ended up giving him the money just to get him out of my face. And, before I forget…my mother is fine now and she can take care of herself so she dismissed the helper. Thank you very much.”

I answer, “I know you would have done the same for me.”

“Now let’s feed that baby of yours. Before you eat my food, I am the godmother, right?”

“Of course, you are the godmother,” I answer.

My phone rings and it is Nkanyiso. I excuse myself to answer the call.

Me: Hello.

Nkanyiso: Did you travel safely?

Me: Yes, thanks for checking up on me.

Nkanyiso: Listen, Nandi, I understand that you say you need some time to think. I respect that. As you know I am leaving for Durban tomorrow, I would appreciate it if I find you home when I come back. I am sure you will be done thinking by then.

Me: Excuse me?

Nkanyiso: You heard me, Nandi. I want you home when I come back. I will be away for a week.

Me: I can’t believe you would talk to me like that, Nkanyiso.

Nkanyiso: Can I please find you home when I get back? Is that what you want?

Me: You will find me there, Mr Madida.

Nkanyiso: Thank you…do you need anything because I will not be reachable?

Me: I would appreciate it if you also showed me a little respect and stop lying to me when you come back.

Nkanyiso: When I come back, I will clear everything. You, Leah and I will talk. I will make things right and I am sorry if you feel like I don’t respect you. I respect you a lot. I also love you, you know I love you.

Me: Yet your words say the opposite. Why did you lie about the divorce?

Nkanyiso: As I said, I will clear everything when I come back. I better find you home.

He hangs up!



Mazwi and I are driving back to Johannesburg. The job in Durban was a success, there were complications but nothing we couldn’t handle. One of the guys got shot in the leg but he will live. I am driving with Mazwi and Nigel stayed behind. He will be joining us the following day. He has to take care of some money.

“How are things with your women, Mr Polygamy?” Mazwi asks. This is why I didn’t want to travel with him. He is always picking on me.

“Leave me alone, Mazwi.”

He laughs, “Isn’t you want many wives? Tell me, when are you planning on introducing us to Pearl?”


“I feel sorry for these women,” he shifts back his seat and lays back. Today I am the one driving. We are using one of my cars. I drop off Mazwi at his house and then call Pearl.

Pearl: Look who decided to call after going MIA for a week?

Me: What time are you knocking off at work?

Pearl: Hi to you too.

Me: What time are you knocking off?

Pearl: I knocked off at two pm, why?

Me: Get ready, I am picking you up in thirty minutes.

I hang up and text Leah, she never picks up my calls.

‘You better be packed and ready to come home, Mrs Madida.’

‘Are you high?’ – Leah.

‘I gave you a week.’

‘Go to hell, Nkanyiso.’ – Leah.

She has blocked me because her profile picture has disappeared and my text message didn’t double-tick. I see she wants me to do things the hard way. I make another call.

Me: Listen Vusi, can you grab Leah for me? I will send you her work address. I don’t want a scratch on her but I want her at my house in an hour.

Vusi: Sure, boss.

***Last call, Nandi.

Me: Are you home?

Nandi: Not yet, I am leaving Tiana’s place in ten minutes.

Me: See you there, I will be there in an hour

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