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Guilt was building up inside of Charlie Swan as the more Celeste talked to him and Jacob

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Guilt was building up inside of Charlie Swan as the more Celeste talked to him and Jacob. He couldn't believe that Renee was blaming a five-year-old for the faults in their marriage and the reason for their divorce. At the same time, he couldn't help but blame himself too, if he wasn't stuck at work with a suspect for a case and had gotten Celeste from school that day. Instead of asking billy to drop her off, things could have turned out a lot differently and mainly.

Renee wouldn't have taken the twins that night.

He would have saw with his own eyes as he's wife cheated on him with another man, he would have a defence for him to be the reasonable parent for custody because he wouldn't have any trust in Renee to actually be a real parent for them.

"Look Sweetheart. I won't understand how you are feeling right now, because only you will know that, but this is real. It's me your dad and Jacob is right here too." Charlie points the boy sat next to him.

Celeste bottom's lips pouts out getting frustrated at the two men in front of her and what they were telling her "I don't understand."

"Darling, we always wanted you, we were told you didn't want to come back to Folks." Jake speaks up softly.

Celeste eyes snap to the younger boy "What? No that's not true."

Charlie holds his hands up in defence "We know, Bella was lying." 

"Bella's here?" Celeste's heart monitor starts going crazy as the fear of Bella being near here was causing her a panic attack.

Charlie didn't know what to know, pressing the red button for emergencies and hoping someone would come and help his daughter from her panic.

Carlisle who decided to stay at the hospital doing overtime so he could check up on Celeste heard the alarm going off and immediately rushed to her hospital room. Straight away going into doctor mode.

"What happened?" He questions to the two guys, ignoring the low growl from the shifter.

"As soon as we said Bella's name she panicked." Charlie explains with worry.

Carlisle nods his head in understanding and slowly walks towards the girl "Hello, Celeste I'm Dr Cullen, I understand that you scared right now but you need to calm down."

Seeing the girl struggling to breath he calls out "Jacob come here." Following the order Jake stands next to the vampire trying not to gag at the stench.

"Right, Celeste I'm going to take your hand. Alright?" Carlisle did was he said and gently moved her hands and placing it onto of Jacob's chest right where is heart was.

"Can you concentrate on his heart beat?" Dr Cullen questions, he could already see the different in her body language as she focuses on the beating of the shifters heart.

Celeste nods her head, she let out a sigh of relief and relaxed her tense body, she didn't really understand why she liked listening to his heart beaten but didn't care. Wanting to be closer she pulls the boy down onto her bed.

Hesitantly laying her head on his chest where her hand was and closes her eyes, she liked this feeling. She wasn't really sure what the feeling was but before Renee left with them, she remembered feeling this way with her dad.


"Well done." Dr Cullen praises the young girl; he was glad he was able to help her calm down.

"How did...you...Jake...Celeste?" Charlie asks in disbelief, that his daughter calm down so quickly with just the touch and sound of Jacob's heartbeat.

Carlisle gives a small smile to the sheriff "Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. The sound of heartbeat gives them something to focus on making them forget about their panic."

"I'm guessing she loves it." Charlie comments seeing the peaceful expression on her face.

Jake knew it was a lot more than just his heartbeat, and most likely to do with the fact that they are imprints too. Their whole existents is to protect and make them feel safe. By being close and in his arms, the imprint pull between them was growing. Jake didn't know if Carlisle had put the pieces together yet but by the look in his eyes, he was questioning the idea of Imprints.

"Indeed, I suggest you explain to her about what is happening with the other one." Carlisle says not wanting to say Bella's name and causing another panic "It might help her feel more relaxed."

"Of course, when will she be able to leave?" Jake questions Dr Cullen.

"She'll stay overnight, in case of any problems. She will need a brace for her ribs and the cast on her arm will have to stay on for a while as well. We will do regular appointments to make sure the bones are healing in the correct position." Carlisle states.

He then sighs "That is the physically side, Mentally we won't know how she will actually cope with the new change. But seeing her reaction from just saying a name, I would say it will be a long road ahead for her."

"Would she need a therapist?" Charlie questions.

Carlise shakes his head "Not at the momement, she needs to actually feel like she belongs and is safe with you. Sending her to a stranger might set her progress back. For now no therapist. Maybe in the future but don't push her if she doesn't want to go."

Charlie nods his head "I understand. Thank you, Carlisle. With personal issues aside I appreciate you coming in and helping my daughter."

Dr Cullen smile at the sheriff "No worries. I'm just glad I was able to help her."

"I will be staying here for tonight if anything else happens just press the red button again." Carlisle explains walking to the door. "Goodbye. Charlie. Jacob."

Charlie takes a deep breath watching his daughter sleep, he was a little jealous of the boy in his daughter's hospital bed. Wishing he could just hold her close and protect her from the cruel people in the world.

But overall, he was glad Celeste had Jacob in her corner, he never forgot about her all these years and knew it would never change.

Charlie smiles thinking of a past memory when a four-year-old Celeste and Jacob came home one day hand in hand blushing at each other. When Billy asked the pair what was wrong and why their faces were bright red.

That's when Jacob pulled his little moon into his arms and said.  "We got married."

Slightly laughing at his thoughts, he looks back towards the hospital bed, looking at how his daughter and Jacob were holding onto each other like they did where they were toddlers, he knew right then that she was going to be alright.

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