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A house deep in the woods where the Cullen family lives, spearing themselves from the rest of the world

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A house deep in the woods where the Cullen family lives, spearing themselves from the rest of the world. They had decided to have a family day due to the information Carlisle had announced about Rosalie, Emmett, and Jasper having a soul-bond connection with Celeste Swan. The family was in the middle of a movie Alice had picked out when they all became tense.

A human was close.

Everyone looked towards Jasper as he was still trying to control his blood thirst. But also would be dealing with everyone else's thirst as well making it harder for him to stay in control.

Jasper takes a small deep breath, turning his head to the direction of where the scent was coming from, when he realised he didn't feel the normal thirst for the blood he did when a human was close. He takes a deeper breath in and vamp speeds in front of the window.

Edward reads his mind, and his expression turns to confused "He doesn't smell blood."

"It's that scent again," Rosalie states speeding to where Jasper was standing with her mate doing the same.

"Celeste's?" Carlisle questions a little worried about why they could smell her near their home.

Alice shakes her head "I can't see her or anything, it's still blank." Trying to see any visions of what has happened or what was about to happen.

"It's getting closer," Emmett says sniffing the air.

"Why would Celeste be here?" Esme says concerned for the young girl.

"Look." Jasper points to a spot near the opening of the woods, seeing something moving around. A few moments later they watch as a young girl in an oversized top and joggers slowly stumble out of the woods holding onto her ribs.

"That's Celeste." Carlisle says before speeding out of his home, taking small steps to the girl who has tear marks down her face.

"Celeste?" Carlisle states gently not wanting to startle the already scared and frightened girl.

Hearing the familiar voice, Celeste's tired eyes look up to see Dr. Cullen a few feet away from her, with his hands up in front of him. Stumbling back, thinking he would send her back to the monsters, Celeste falls to the ground.

From the front of the house, Jasper winces at how strong the girl's pain was and walks out of his home ignoring his sibling's calls, and slowly walks to where his father figure was standing.

Speaking lowly so Celeste couldn't hear "She's in so much pain, Carlisle."

Dr. Cullen keeps a reassuring smile on his face as he answers Jasper "She might have opened her stitches."

Jasper turns to the girl who he has a soul-bond connection with and instantly he knew that the bond was a sibling connection. He had a little sister now, Hearing Major cough in his mind Jasper rolls his eyes and corrects his mistake. We have a little sister now.

"Hey Darling, I'm Jasper" He introduces himself calming her nerves with his abilities.

Celeste saw Carlisle stop closer to her, shaking her head she tries to move backward "Don't send me back. Please!" She begs.

The others who stayed at the front door waiting for the okay to come out, heard the fear in her voice as she spoke, Rosalie and Emmett were the worst out of them all, to them it felt as if something was clawing at the heart.

Edward could hear her thoughts and angrily sighs "Those daft Mutts!"

"Carlisle, can we come out? I know what's going on." He adds.

Carlisle and Jasper both hear Edward and looked toward Celeste "Hey Nobody will send you back."

Jasper nods in agreement "He's right. You get to choose what happens alright?" he points to his house "My Siblings and mother would like to meet you. But only if you want too." He stresses.

"No, Bella?" Celeste whispers, she liked Jaspers' voice, it made her relax a little just like Jake did at the hospital.

Jasper shakes his head "No. Never. Would you like me to show you something," thinking of the documents they all had to sign for the cops.

Edward speeds up to the kitchen, grabs the files from the counter, and runs back down to the front door. Nodding his head outside they slowly walk outside seeing Jasper sitting on the ground next to Celeste with a little distance between them both.

Rosalie and Emmet freeze as they both look at the blonde girl who was quietly talking to Jasper sitting on the ground. They were in disbelief at whom they were looking at, and couldn't believe after so many wishes, so many upset nights they had finally been gifted.

A daughter.

Celeste had agreed to let Jasper's family come out but as long as they kept their distance, she wanted to know what they had to show her and was a little curious about how it involved Bella. Jasper had told her multiple times that she was in control and at any time she didn't like something he or the others did she would do a secret signal with her fingers to show Jasper that she was uncomfortable.

Edward stood away from the pair but close enough so they could hear him, coughing to gain their attention "I have something for you."

Jasper holds his hand out for Edward to give him the document "Thanks. That is Edward." He introduces her to his adopted brother.

"Hello," Edward says before leaving them to talk, walking toward Carlisle "the shifters were talking about her and Bella as she got home" he explains making everyone furious at the shifters.

Jasper takes the files out of the envelope and looks towards Celeste "You asked about Bella and I thought I'd show you so you could see that we aren't lying when we promised she isn't here."

Celeste reads the top of the first page of the paper "Witness Statements?"

Jasper nods "We decided to leave forks a few months ago, she wasn't the nicest." He gently explains thinking back to when she cut her finger on purpose.

Celeste gasps "She wasn't nice to you." she thought that Bella was mean to her because she ruined their parent's marriage. But then again if Renee was happy with Phill why would she and Bella still be mad at her for breaking their marriage which happened years ago?

Japer sadly smiles shaking his head "She got me and my family in a lot of trouble." He points to the papers in her hands "We put a restraining order on her, so she isn't allowed to come near us or our home."

"Me too," Celeste whispers remembering all the times Bella would blame her for everything she would do. "So, she isn't here."

"No, Celeste she isn't here, in fact, she is at the police station. She was arrested." Carlisle speaks up.

"Would you feel comfortable going inside, it's getting very cold and we should check your stitches Doll." Jasper's Texas accent coming through strong.

"You'll stay with me." Celeste looks at Jasper hopefully.

"Of Course, ma'am" Jasper replies standing up from the ground, holding his hand out for his sister.

Celeste brings her shaking hands up to Jasper and stands up, "I like your voice." She mumbles.

"Do you?" Jasper chuckles holding onto her as they walk closer to his home.

"Uh huh, Reminds me of a cowboy" Celeste lets out a small giggle at her words. Jasper grins happily that he was able to get her comfortable enough to laugh around him.


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