Chapter 24 (The past)

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Nine years ago: College

"Um...did you know today there's a...dolphin on your shirt at the back?"

Aarush grinned and looked back even though he couldn't see the back of his t-shirt.

He and Maahi were walking about the campus again, looking for spots to photograph for the article. He seemed to have an informed opinion on everything Maahi had shared so far. He also would listen carefully before he spoke. It was her absolute favourite thing about him. He wanted to understand first.


She then realized he was speaking. She tuned back into the conversation.

"Yeah. This is an old one. I love it."

"You love dolphins?"

He laughed and said, "It's a reference to my favourite book. The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy. Have you read it?"

She shook her head. She had heard of it though.

He got a twinkle in his eyes as he turned around and started walking backwards again. Why did he do that always? It made her nervous that he would fall. Then again, she had a feeling he would do this whenever he was excited and she didn't want to stop him from feeling that.

"Oh, It's so good! I think just this year alone, I've read it twice. What would I not give to read it for the first time all over again. I'm jealous of you. You can do that! It's ridiculous. It's beautiful. It's beautifully ridiculous. It's ridiculously beautiful."

She laughed.

"Okay, okay I'll read it. I just don't know when. I'm in a reading slump currently."

He gasped and said, "Oh no! I hate when that happens."

"What do you do when that happens to you?"

He looked around and whispered, "Can I tell you a secret?"

She peered at him in amusement and said, "Shoot."

"I've never had one so far." He touched his head quickly and said, "Touch wood. I have heard of them and I'm scared of experiencing one myself."

She made a face.


She said, "That's ridiculous. I don't think we can be friends."

He laughed and said, "Oh come on! And if I say I'm willing to go through one?"

"Only then will I allow it."

He turned around and fell into step beside her to say, "But you know what? I think I'll figure out how to do it without going through it."

"Figure out what?"

He smiled one of his heartwarming smiles and said, "Duh! How to become your friend."

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