Chapter 31

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The present: Back in the city

A few days after the wedding

Maahi had had a terrible day. And a long one.

She couldn't even remember when it started with the number of things that had happened. She was glad she had gone to the co-working space for the day and not allowed her grandfather to see her like this, stressed and exhausted, putting out fire after fire.

From a rude event planner chasing her for dates to a bride demanding the prints be delivered sooner than promised to nearly losing an entire batch of photos from the wedding before Kajal and Vikramaditya's, she was ready for this day to just be over.

She picked up her bag and walked over to the lift, rubbing her forehead when her phone pinged.

Aarush: Sup, Mehra?

Maahi: Tired.

Aarush: Oh no! Why?

Maahi: Just a long day.

Aarush: That's rather cryptic. Are you going to mention what area of your day was long or I have to guess?

Maahi laughed at his persistence.

Maahi: Work. It's fine now though. I'm ready to head home.

Aarush: Wait. Stay there.

Maahi: What? Why?

Aarush: Because.

Maahi: Now who's being cryptic?

Aarush: Just...listen to me, okay?

Maahi: *Sighs* For how long?

Aarush: About 20 minutes. Please?

Maahi: Okay. What am I waiting for exactly?

Aarush: :)

She sat on the tiny bench next to the elevator and waited, mindlessly scrolling on her phone. After the aforementioned twenty minutes, she switched over to their chat to text him again when she found a text waiting for her there.

Aarush: Okay. Come down now.

She frowned and wondered what he was up to. She hadn't seen him since the wedding and was actually almost sure she wouldn't see him again. So, these texts were definitely a surprise.

She made her way downstairs and opened the giant glass door to get out of the building. That's when she saw him. He wasn't kidding when he sent that smiley face emoji. He broke into that smile again. She needed to figure out a way to not fall for it again.

He looked like he did the first time she saw him at the wedding. A loose black sweatshirt, black track pants, and a cap. When she reached him, he took his hands from behind and held bright pink cotton candy in front of her nose.


Maahi broke into a proper smile as she looked at the cotton candy and then back at him. She reached out and took one stick from him as he held the other one for himself.

She asked, "What's this?"

He gestured for her to walk ahead as he pulled out the plastic covering the candy and said, "It's...Well, whenever I get bogged down by the responsibilities of adulthood, I do a thing that reminds of being a carefree child. I thought you were in need of the tradition. So..."

She kept on smiling as she pulled out her plastic and took a piece of the candy. She ate it and savoured the sweetness.

She took another piece and looked up to see him watching her as she enjoyed her treat. She nudged his arm lightly with hers and said, "Thanks!"

As an afterthought, she then added, "I might steal this tradition for next time."

He laughed and said, "On one condition."

She looked at him quizzically.

"You invite me too."

Sounded like a fair trade. She replied, "Deal."

After a few moments of simply eating candy together, she said, "I didn't ask before. How was your day?"

He took a deep breath as he gave it thought. He then said, "It was...contemplative." He looked at her and said, "I've started writing again."

She asked, "Were you not writing before?"

He looked up and said, "No. It's been a while since I wrote."

"Do you still enjoy it? Writing I mean."

He smiled and said, "Yes. A lot of things have changed over the years but my love for writing hasn't. I mean I have my ups and downs but my love for the craft persists. I think that's what keeps my faith in this path."

With a straight face, she asked, "That and not the fact that you're good and tons of people love you?"

He looked at her, amusement lighting his eyes as he asked, "Are you teasing me, Mehra?"

She held up two fingers with some candy tucked between them and said, "Just a little bit."

He shook his head, chuckling. He then asked, a touch of curiosity colouring his tone, "Have you seen any of my work?"

She considered the question for a moment. After all, she had steadfastly avoided looking at his profile and work for years. She had only given up and typed his name on Instagram after the wedding.

She then said truthfully, "I recently watched a few videos."

He turned around and looked at her, mild anticipation lurking in those warm eyes.


He actually looked like he cared about what she thought. Tsk. Why?

She shrugged her shoulders and said sincerely, "Iyer, you know what I think of your writing. Even back in college, I thought it had a way of connecting with people and leaving them with a smile, no matter what the topic. My opinion hasn't changed."

He looked like he wanted to give her a hug. But he settled for a nudge against her arm with his and said, "I don't think I knew that. It made you smile?"


When Maahi got back home, she didn't remember how exhausting her day was. She felt like Aarush had eased the invisible load of fatigue she was carrying off her shoulders and set it aside for a bit as they walked aimlessly around the city, eating cotton candy and talking. And she had let him.

Author's note: Readers who have read my work before will know how much I enjoy little moments. I try to capture those in my stories as well a lot. Which is why this is an eternal favourite chapter. <3 

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