Chapter 40

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The present: The Airbnb

Maahi had seemed almost lost in thought when she had asked him to go wait outside in the garden. She had said that she would make the coffee and bring it.

He was taking in the view when she joined him. It was one of the more scenic properties he had been on. A lush, green garden overlooking a glittering skyline. He felt a sense of peace. Then again, he always felt that around Maahi. Around her, he felt at home.


He turned around and saw Maahi holding two steaming mugs of coffee and walking towards a swing set. He walked over to her and she handed him a mug. She sat down on the swing and tilted her head, gesturing for him to join her.

That small gesture gave him a sudden sense of déjà vu. As though he had been here. As though he had felt this feeling of coming home after a long day before. For a moment, he stopped and just stared at her, trying to gather his thoughts and emotions.

He must have looked dazed because Maahi asked, "You okay there?"

He eased out of his inner world of chaos, blinking his way back to her. He nodded and swiftly sat down next to her before she could ask any more questions. But she did anyway.

"Where did you go there?"

He wasn't ready to answer that question because he didn't know himself. So, he smoothly changed the topic and said, "I'm right here, Mehra. Where else would I be? You've brought me to a slice of heaven."

She laughed, took a sip of her coffee and gently pushed the swing into motion.

He looked at the scenery in front of them and took a deep breath. The air smelled faintly of jasmine. He then asked, "How did you even find this place?"

She shrugged her shoulders and looked at him for brief moment before turning her gaze back to the scenery ahead and said, "I have always been drawn to beautiful things."

He smiled lightly and said, "Yes but this's more than just pretty. It aura of solace. It's beautiful inside and out."

She nodded along, a wry smile forming on her face. This smile felt like it was an easter egg from a movie he loved. He yearned to know what it could possibly reveal if he paid close enough attention.

She then looked at him, that same smile widening further as she said, "What can I say, Iyer? I really know how to pick 'em."

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