Chapter 46

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The present: Kajal & Vik's Home <3

Vikramaditya opened the door and found his friend standing outside. There was clearly something up because he hadn't barged in with a random train of thought that would take Vik a couple of seconds to catch up on.

He raised an eyebrow and asked, "Aarush?"

Aarush blinked and looked up. He smiled a small smile and that put Vik a little more at ease. For the first time in his life, he gestured into the house and asked his friend to come in.

Aarush strode in and started with his train of thought, "I'm a little frustrated, Vik..."

Ah, there we go.

Vik smiled, closed the door and followed his friend.

"Where's Kajal?" Aarush asked.

"She went out with Naina. What are you frustrated about?"

Aarush walked into the kitchen and stood in front of the fridge. He glanced at the jam-packed set of sticky notes spread over it and let out a chuckle before opening the door to take a snack. He found a bar of chocolate and pulled it out. He held it up to ask Vik for permission who waved it away casually.

Aarush then sat down in a heap at the table. Vik looked at him, wondering what the matter was. He then sat opposite him and patiently waited for the story to take shape.

Aarush bit into the chocolate and allowed himself to formulate his words better.

"Do you remember Maahi Mehra from the wedding?"

Vik nodded and said, "Naina's photographer."

"Yeah. Also, my college classmate."

"Right. I remember."

He again took a pause. But before he could say anything, Vik caught his drift. Like always.

He said plainly, "You like her."

It wasn't a question.

Aarush looked up at his friend. He had always been perceptive after all.

Vik then nodded, digesting this fact. He then stated, "And you're afraid."

It wasn't a question again. Aarush took another bite of the chocolate. He didn't have to spell anything out here, did he?

Vik continued, "You really like her. That's why you're afraid, aren't you?"

Aarush looked dazedly at a random spot and kept the chocolate bar down.

"Yeah..." He said softly.

Vik looked at his friend who was refusing to meet his eyes. He had seen him before when he was with Leela. When he had fallen in love with her, built a beautiful relationship with her, almost married her before...before she realized the inevitable truth. That they were headed on two different paths. That they wanted different things. That in the end, no matter how much they wanted to be together, love wasn't enough. He had then sat beside his friend as he nursed a broken heart.

Vik turned in his seat and faced Aarush.

In very clear words, he said his piece.

"Aarush. You need to tell her. I saw you then so I know why you're afraid. I've been afraid too. And I know it sucks. I get it. 100%. But if you're feeling what you're feeling especially this strongly, you need to tell her. Do you know how rare it is to be in the same place at the same time as someone we like? Very. And you're doubly lucky. The universe put her in your path twice. Clearly, it is trying to send a message. And here's the thing. I haven't met her properly to guess how she feels about you. But know this. If she doesn't feel the same way, I'll be here to pick up the pieces. If she does feel the same way, I'll be here to celebrate that too. So, just go. Please. Go and tell her."

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