chapter 29

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tori had seen trevor's text that asked her if they could talk. she quickly replied by saying yes to which trevor told her to meet him outside on the deck. tori really didn't know where this conversation was going to go. on one hand, she knew trevor was going to talk about her and jack which made her slightly nervous. she knew that needed to happen though. on the other hand, the boys were being really weird in the groupchat and quinn suddenly liked trevor. that could only mean one of two things: either trevor asked quinn to date her and was accepted or quinn completely threw that idea out the window and trevor was telling her they could never happen. that's where tori's mind was at, the overthinking stage.

she opened the back door to reveal trevor sitting in one of the chairs. he was looking out into the horizon and didn't even notice when tori took a seat next to him. he was being really fidgety and seemed nervous.

tori grabbed trevor's hand and asked, "hey trevor, you okay?" that snapped trevor back into reality.

"yeah, just a bit nervous," trevor sheepishly smiled. tori turned her head in confusion and furrowed her eyebrows. "why would you be nervous?" tori questioned.

trevor answered, "because i need to ask you a question."

tori nodded, waiting for him to ask whatever it was. she was secretly bracing herself for it to be about her and jack. she didn't even realize she was holding her breath until trevor asked, "will you be my girlfriend?"

the brunette was shocked, she was not fully expecting this. she quickly responded, not wanting to stress trevor any more than he already was, "yes, of course! that's such a silly question!"

trevor wiped the imaginary sweat from his forehead. tori smiled at him and his eyes flicked back and forth between her eyes and lips. trevor then went in and kissed her. it was a quick sweet kiss. tori wanted it to last longer and tried going back in, but trevor had a confused look on his face. he asked his girlfriend, "why do you look so shocked? you knew i wanted to date you."

now it was tori's turn to be the nervous one. "honestly, i thought you were going to ask me a different question. not that, i didn't want you to ask me to be your girlfriend because i do. obviously, i do, i just said yes. but i thought you wanted to have a completely different talk," tori rambled.

"well, i'm not going to lie to you, we do need to address the whole you and jack thing, but probably not in the way you're thinking. i've already talked to him and know nothing went down between you two, so i'm not worried about that. i just want to hear you say that you're okay and you're not holding on to something that wasn't your fault. i know you talked to jack about it earlier but i want to hear it for myself," trevor explained.

tori took a deep breath and said, "i know it wasn't my fault. the way jack acted was all on his own. i'm not blaming myself for what happened anymore. it's all the past and i'm ready to move on."

trevor smiled, "good because i'm so ready to start this relationship with you. if there's ever any problems, you let me know, okay? i want this to work." tori nodded and kissed his cheek.

trevor frowned, "i think you missed." tori rolled her eyes and gave trevor a kiss on his lips. it was slow and passionate. trevor grabbed her hips and moved her so she was now on his lap. the kiss deepened but didn't go that much further since they were still outside.

when they pulled away, tori was giggling while trevor couldn't wipe the grin off his face. "that was so much better!" he said.

the new couple continued to sit together. trevor's arms were wrapped around her waist while her back was pressed against his chest. they were purely enjoying each other's company and talking about the most random things. most of the time, tori couldn't contain her laughter. trevor didn't mind since he thought it was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard. he was so in love with this girl and she had no idea.

"i have a question," trevor changed the topic.

tori looked up to meet trevor's face and asked, "what's up?"

"i know we literally started dating today in all but do you think i could post something of us. like it doesn't have to be a full on picture of you but something that hints that i'm taken. i really just want people to know that i'm yours and you're mine," trevor replied.

tori blushed. she's never had a guy want to do that before. tori also wanted people to know they were together. she was a little scared about what his fans might think, but if her face wasn't showing they wouldn't know it was her. if things went south, she figured she had the boys to fall back on.

"of course! i just don't think you should show my face. maybe something a bit discreet," tori smiled.

trevor looked at her with so much love, "anything for you!"

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