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A deep ringing entered my hearing as I groaned while trying to sit up properly with half closed eyes.

My hands trampled as I sat up shakily trying to speak while my throat felt like sand paper. I coughed as I heard Lockwoods voice from beside me. "Evie", he coughed weakly reaching for my hand intertwining them.

"Lockwood?", I heard someone call out many times coughing. It was Lucy. She was several feet away and couldn't see us from the smoke coming out of the house in front of us.

I looked at the house which was set aflame and memories rushed my head giving me a headache. "What did we do", I breathed gasping as creaking sounded from the burning wood. Parts crashing onto the ground.

"Come on, Evie", Lockwood coughed pulling me up as we stumbled trying to find Lucy from her calling both of our names.

"Over here!", a man grabbed Lockwood and another grabbed me pulling us away from each other. "Come on, your mother is extremely worried and angry", the man said and I recognised him as Quill Kipps.

He grabbed me by my upper arm pulling me with him as he whispered curse words to himself bringing me over to an ambulance. The vibrance neon yellow hurting my sore eyes as I lost conciseness once more this time falling into the dirty blonds arms.

"Evie!", was the last thing I could hear Lockwood screaming in concern for me before really blacking out.


"Miss Lockwood?", I heard someone call as I opened my eyes to see a nurse smiling at me.

"Huh", I groaned slightly sitting myself up against the headboard of the hospital bed. Great, the now second hospital visit in one week. Can this get any worse? "Oh uh-", I tried explaining that I was not related to Anthony in any way, but my mom interrupted me promptly.

"That will be Miss Fittes actually", she spoke harshly towards the nurse who shrunk in her place at the end of the bed checking my vitals before leaving the room once more.

"What were you thinking?", she yelled at me probably drawing even more attention than the already did by her appearance in the hospital. "I strictly advised Mister Lockwood to not take any cases!", she sighed pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance.

"Is he here?", I asked not answering my mothers questions as I tried to look through the opened curtain, but my mom blocked my view.

"He nearly killed you, again might I add, and you are worried about him?", she spoke harshly emphasising the 'again' and 'him' with a harsh undertone in her voice.

I plainly nodded ushering her to tell me where he was. "Mister Lockwood is currently being questioned by Inspector Barnes at DEPRAC Headquarters", she explained sitting down in a chair next to me.

Her clutch on her lap and her hands fiddling with her wedding band on her hand. "What? Why?!", I sounded alarmed and worried.

"Because he set a clients house on fire, Evie! That does not go unnoticed by people especially DEPRAC and our agency", she reasoned. "He is a reckless and irresponsible young man, Evie", my mother said shaking her head.

I sighed. "No he isn't. He is sweet and caring, yes he does have tend to risking his life, but-", I began but mom interrupted me.

"Not only did he risk his life, but also yours! Twice!", she reasoned again making me huff rolling my eyes.

"Nothing I can't handle", I mumbled crossing my arms over my chest as my Mom stood up sighing heavily.

"Nothing you can't handle?", she scoffed at me shaking her head.

"Evie you got ghost touched and nearly broke your neck now. I don't think you understand the matter of consequences that young man will have to endure", she spoke before a nurse came in and she signed the papers giving me a free pass out of the hospital.

I huffed while she closed the curtains behind her leaving me alone to get dressed out of the blue hospital gown.

KNOW MY NAME | Anthony LockwoodWhere stories live. Discover now