Special: Arcade Battle

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After the crazy events that happened last week, Y/N was currently at his room, playing a video game he borrowed from King. Tohka was watching, cheering him on.

Y/N: "Come on! Almost there! Just a little more!"

Tohka: "You can do it, Y/N!"

Moments later of intense playing, Y/N had succeed reaching a higher ranking than King. He stood up in victory.

Y/N: "YES!"

Tohka: "You did it!"

Y/N: "Finally, I've gotten a higher rank than King. Wait, until they see this."

Suddenly, they heard a knock on the door. Y/N opened it and saw that it was Shido and Kotori.

Y/N: "Hey guys."

Shido: "Hey, Y/N. Hey Tohka."

Kotori: "What's with all the shouting lately?"

Y/N: "I just beat King's score!"

Tohka: "I'm so happy for you Y/N."

Kotori: "Oh, so that's what it's about."

Y/N: "I'm ready. I'm going to challenge King to another match."

Shido: "Again?"

Kotori: "You're never going to stop, are you?"

Tohka: "Could this be the opponent you've been seeking?"

Kotori: "No, Y/N's just trying to beat the losing streak he's had."

Y/N: "It'll be different this time. I can feel it."

*Knock* *Knock*

Tohka: "I got it!"

She opened the door and it was King.

Tohka: "Oh, hi. We were just talking about you."

King: "Is Y/N here?"

Y/N: "Right here."

King: "Do you have my Street Fighter game here?"

Y/N: "Uh, yeah. I may have borrowed it without asking."

Shido: "(Did he just admit he stole it?)"

King: "Just what I thought. Hand it over."

Y/N: "Sure. I was done with it anyway."

He gave him the game case and took it.

King: "Alright, see ya."

Y/N: "Yeah, bye... Wait a minute, hang on! I needed talk to you!"

King: "What is it?"

Y/N: "I challenge you to a match of Street Fighter!"

King: "You really want to do this again?"

Y/N: "In case you haven't noticed. I've surpassed you in the leaderboard!"

King: "Oh, that thing, huh?"

Y/N: "Yeah, I'm for ready another vs game."

Tohka: "This sounds so exciting. You two want to stay and watch?"

Shido: "Sorry, Yoshino wanted me to help her with something."

Kotori: "No, it's just going to be the same outcome."

At first, Kotori expected him to be as strong or stronger than Y/N. But she was disappointed when she later found out that King wasn't really powerful at all. He was only an expert in video games. Though it was amusing to see Y/N constantly lose to him when they play.

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