And The Winner is...

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Y/N had arrived at the beach where Kaguya and Yuzuru were fighting. He looked up and saw them in the sky.

Y/N: "There they are. Kaguya! Yuzuru!"

They didn't hear him as they twins continued facing each other in battle.

Y/N: "Can you two pause on the sibling rivalry for a minute?!"

They still didn't hear him as they were more focused on each other.

Y/N: "(I guess they can't hear me. How do I get their attention?)"

He was trying to think of a plan to talk to the Yamai twins. Moments later, he thought of an idea.

Kaguya: "This is it, Yuzuru!"

Yuzuru: "Agreement. it is time to end this, Kaguya."

As the two were about to do one final charge at each other, Y/N was below them and decided to jump. He jump so high that he was in front of them for a second then went past them. The two stopped their attacks as soon as they saw him.

Kaguya: "Y/N?"

Yuzuru: "Shocked. Y/N is really here?"

Soon, Y/N landed back down to the ground which was a small crater.

Y/N: "Oops. I jumped a little too high."

Kaguya: "Why do you keep interfering? This has nothing to do with you anymore."

Yuzuru: "Yes. Please don't get in the way."

Y/N: "But what about the contest? I still need to pick the winner."

Kaguya: "That duel no longer matters."

Yuzuru: "Added. You also haven't picked out the winner."

Y/N: "I already decided who won this duel. I choose..."

The two looked to him waiting for an answer.

Y/N: "I choose both! Both of you are the winner!"

Gusts of winds start hitting him but he didn't feel it.

Kaguya: "Are you serious?! Are you an idiot?!"

Yuzuru: "Scorn. That answer is entirely childish."

Y/N: "Yeah. But that's my decision. I can't pick one of you."

He looked at Kaguya.

Y/N: "Kaguya, you wanted me to save Yuzuru."

He turned to Yuzuru.

Y/N: "Yuzuru, you wanted me to save Kaguya."

He looked at both of them.

Y/N: "Both of you wanted me to save the other. As a hero, it's my job to save both of you. I know there's a way for both of you to live. So I'm choosing that option. When I'm at a choice of making two options I don't like, I search for a hidden route that many may not see. I aim for that so everyone can be happy. I'm choosing the ending where you both survive!" 

Kaguya and Yuzuru were shocked at Y/N explanation.

Y/N: "(I can't believe I got all that from King's dating sim I once played.)"

Kaguya: "How are you going to do that?"

Yuzuru: "Doubt. Whatever you doing, it won't work."

Y/N: "Yes, it will. In fact, it worked before. Let me try it. I'm giving you both the chance to live."

Kaguya: "But what could you do? You may be strong, but you're still a human. What could you do save both of us?"

Y/N: "I have this sealing power thing. It allows me to seal spirit powers. I know how to do it. Although, it makes me really uncomfortable but I done this to at least two spirits. I think, maybe it was three. I'm not keeping count. But that's not the point. The point is, I want to save you two!"

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