Sneaky Links 1

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I had a decision to make, my dad just called and told me he was fifteen minutes from my hotel room... now I could either hop in the shower real quick and get dressed... OR I could finish what I was doing. Currently, I had this pretty lil dark-skinned nigga riding my dick while his 'bestie' moaned loudly as he rode my tongue. My dad wasn't the type of man who liked to be kept waiting but I knew if I didn't nut I would be irritated all fuckin day and given what today was I knew he'd be by my side for the next few hours.... Fifteen minutes, fuck that's not nearly enough time for me to do what I needed to do, I still had about a good hour or so in me... there was no real choice if I was being honest though. In one quick movement, I had them stacked on top of each other I was fuckin the dark-skinned one while lifting the other in the air and going crazy in his hole.... Fuck I hated rushing my nuts but I knew if my dad caught me like this.... well he'd probably kill me, and I'm not being dramatic, he would literally take me out to a field and blow my head off.... I shook the thought from my head and tried to focus on the task in front of me, the brown-skinned dude was shooting nut all over his friend's back, my tongue was deadly and my dick was even deadlier.... fuck eight minutes.... I needed to hurry the fuck up.....

My whole life was planned for me, my dad.... well I wouldn't say he was a tyrant but.... As a kid, I idolized my dad... a linebacker for the Minnesota Vikings, who played 17 years in the league, I used to think my dad was... From the moment I was born, my dad knew I was going to The University of Houston (his alma mater), I was joining HIS fraternity (Alpha Phi Alpha), and I had to play sports.... It couldn't be basketball because that's a soft nigga sport, it couldn't be baseball because that was a Border Hopper's sport (his words, not mine), and I couldn't play hockey, golf, or tennis because those were white men's sports and he'd disown me if I ever brought home a white girl (trust me, that was one thing he didn't have to worry about).

If I were being honest, I don't think I was allowed to bring home ANY girl... because my wife was already decided for me. My dad and his frat brother had been pushing me and his daughter to get together since we were little, forcing us on dates, and making us spend time together, we even had to go to prom together... but it was never like that between us, the attraction just wasn't there. That's not to say we hated each other... in fact, she was my best friend but... I didn't meet the requirements of her ideal partner, I had something long, thick, veiny, and curved between my legs that she had no interest in. We tried... several times but... we both knew our true nature and we were the only ones who knew each other's secrets.

Times up... they had gotten their nuts while I was still trying to get mine but I was out of time, I ran to the bathroom and pretended to finish and then kicked them out, I wasn't rude about it but I told them I had plans which they understood, they were just pissed I didn't nut on their face and made sure to tell me that I 'owed them'. Once they were gone I took a rapid shower, threw on some clothes, and raced to the lobby to meet up with my dad.

"Took you long enough Ignazio." My dad said and I cringed, he was literally the only one who called me that shyt and I fuckin hated it. "You ready?" He asked and I nodded, these past few weeks I had been down in Houston living on my own, I loved it but I was ready for something a little more permanent. We drove through the city and I mostly tuned my dad out as he talked about business and whatever else he was complaining about. "I hear your uncle Phil is moving to Dallas...."

"Oh word?" I asked getting excited, Uncle Phil... well he was my mom's only brother and the youngest of nine... I didn't particularly like the woman he was married to but Uncle Phil was more like an older brother than an uncle.

"Apparently, he and Courtney are going through some things... most likely divorce." My dad said, that didn't surprise me... Courtney tried MULTIPLE times to fuck me... it was only a matter of time before Uncle Phil found out. "Shame she has some good pussy...." My dad whispered but I heard every word.

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