2 | No Way!

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me - bri youll never guess what happened when i was at the hockey game

bri - what happened?

me - jack hughes!

bri - jack hughes what? i saw that he scored

me - no not that

bri - then what?


bri - OMFG NO WAY!




bri - NO WAY


bri - you have to tell me the full story
bri - can i come over?

me - ofc, you know you can

bri - i'll be five mins


Bri's been my best friend since the fourth grade. Ever since we met, we've been inseparable. Her family is my family, and my family is hers. It's always been that way.

The Bri's family usually comes with us to the first game, but they weren't able to this year because of her parents divorce. It came as a surprise to everyone, even them. They seemed so in love, but apparently they fell out of it. I must say, Bri hasn't been the same since, but I think she'll get back to her usual self in no time. Also, because of the divorce, she's been staying at my house a lot, but I'm not complaining, and neither is my family, because, as I said, they view her as a daughter.


I hear a car pull into the driveway, so I go downstairs. "Bri's here!" I yell. "I didn't know she was coming over," my mom says. "Is that a problem?" I ask. "Of course not, hun," she replies.

"Hey," I say, welcoming her. "Heyy," she replies, "we have to talk." "Shh," I reply, not wanting my dad to hear. "lets go."

We run up the stairs and turn left into my room. "Zo, you have to tell me exactly what happened." I explain the whole story to her, and by the time I'm finished, her jaw is on the floor.

"How lucky are you?" she says. "I have no idea!" I cried out. "Has he texted you yet?" she asks. "I don't think so, the game only finished an hour ago so he's probably still at the arena doing interviews and stuff," I explain. "Don't you think so?" she asked, "Did you at least check?" "No..." I said slowly. "Check now!" she says whilst handing me my phone" when I look at the screen, there's a text from an unknown number. "Well?" pretty much shouts my best friend. Speechless, I show her the screen. "Oh my god!" she says at the top of her lungs. "You want to have me killed?" I say "sorry," she whispers. "Honey, is everything alright?" my mom asks "Yeah we're fine, Bri just saw a bug," I lie. "Alright, dinner's ready, are you girls hungry?" I look at Bri for an answer and she shakes her head no so I respond "No thanks mom."


It's been ten minutes since Jack has texted me. Bri and I haven't figured out what to say yet. She's on my phone because she thinks she can think of something better than me. "Just give it to me" I say taking the phone.


unknown: hey pretty girl ;)

me: who do you think i am?


i send the text, and he responds almost immediately.


unknown: well, only one very pretty girl gave me her number at the game today
unknown: unless
unknown: fuck
unknown: she gave me the wrong number didnt she

me: no no i gave you the right number i just had to make sure it was really you
me: sorry for that

unknown: its no worries
unknown: i never caught your name

me: im zoey

unknown: you already know im jack

me: yea i do
me: can i ask you one thing

jack: of course

me: why me?

jack: what do you mean

me: i know hundreds of girls throw themselves at you
me: but for some reason you chose to ask me for my number

jack: i dont know


ouch that hurt my ego


jack: i mean like
jack: you are inanly pretty and you also gave me the vibe that you weren't going to throw yourself at me
jack: i like that

me: oh wow
me: really?


I'm blushing so hard and Bri looking over my shoulder is saying "God, why not me?" over and over again.


jack: yes really
jack: so i know i dont really know you
jack: but i would love to get to know you
jack: so can we go out for a date?

me: when?

jack: is tomorrow okay?
jack: ive got practice until 11 but i can pick you up at 12:30

me: i would love to but
me: you cant pick me up
me: we can meet somewhere though

jack: why are you scared im gonna stalk you or something

me: no nothing like that but my dad is kind of an ex nhl player
me: and now hes a pro ref

jack: no way really

me: yeah and if he sees you anywhere near our house he will foul you continuously
me: he's really protective

jack: thats fine
jack: so why dont we go to mel's diner
jack: its near the stadium we were met at

me: yeah i know the place i would love to

jack: okay cool
jack: ill text you later
jack: ive got to hop into the showers

me: bye


Jack telling me he was going in the shower now stuck the naked picture of him in a shower in my head.

"NO WAY!" Bri squealed. I completely forgot she was here. It was one moment where it was just me and Jack. "I know!" I replied. "We've got to figure out what you're wearing tomorrow." she says. "Yes we do, but can we eat first?" I ask. "Of course," she replies. And with that, we're going downstairs to go and eat dinner, but I still can't get jack out of my mind.


word count: 1001
a/n: what are your opinions on this so far? i think it's going pretty well. please vote and comment! ill try to get another chapter out today

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