5 | First Kiss

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It's been three days since the last time I saw Jack. The way we left things off was really bad and we've barely texted. I miss him. I should just text him. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna text him.


me: hey

jack: hey girl, how are you?

me: im good
me: im really sorry about how i was acting the other day.

jack: its no worries
jack: im sorry if i made you feel uncomfortable

me: no you didnt
me: i actually found it pretty cute

jack: oh really?

me: yeah:)

jack: well pretty girl
jack: can i take you out tonight?

me: well it depends

jack: depends on what?

me: where are you taking me?

jack: now pretty girl
jack: i cant tell you that

me: why not?

jack: i want to surprise you

me: okay fine

jack: ill pick you up from the sane place i dropped you off at in an hour
jack: wear something warm


Like Jack said, I wore some cozy leggings and a cute long sleeve shirt to keep me warm. I wasn't sure how cold it would be so I also threw on a short sleeve fluffy coat.

I check the time and I have ten minutes until I had to leave so I text Bri. It seems like we haven't spoken in ages.


me: hey girl
me: i miss you

bri: i miss you too
bri: how's it going with hughesie?

me: its good
me: we're actually going out in a little bit

bri: im so happy for you
bri: i knew you always liked him

me: i mean yeah can you blame me
me: im just lucky he chose me

bri: youre just lucky period

me: yeah i guess i am
me: i just wanted to check up on you
me: i have to go now
me: i love you

bri: i love you
bri: bye


I leave my house and walk down the street to meet Jack there. "Hey," I say as I get into his car. "Hey pretty girl," he replies. "Can you tell me where we're going now?" I ask. "Not yet, but soon." he tells me.

We pull into Starbucks and I have no idea what his plan is. "What's your order?" he asks me. "Just a regular vanilla latte." I tell him. As we get to the drive thru, he says "hey, can I have two vanilla lattes please?yeah that will be it thanks." "why are we at Starbucks?" i ask trying to figure out what the date is. "Why not," he replies. "Jack you're going to kill me with the suspense," I say. "not much longer pretty girl."

After about two minutes, we got our drinks and headed back onto the road. We only drove for about five minutes before I realized where we were going. "Jack why are we going to the stadium?" I asked him. "You'll see pretty girl," jack responded with a smug look on his face.

When we got to the arena, he took me over to the locker rooms. "I know that you're a girl but do you mind coming into the guys one? There's no one here, I just don't want to be away from you. " He asked me. "Of course Jack, as long as it doesn't smell."


We had put our skates on after around twenty horrible minutes. I couldn't get mine on myself and jack had to help me after I refused.

Jack took my hand and lead me onto the ice. I love the feel of his hand on mine. "The reason I brought you here is because, I want to teach you how to skate," he tells me. "Wow Jack really?" I ask him. "Yes, I want to experience one of my favorite things with you. You might not be able to be on the ice during a game, but you are on the ice at all will make me feel as though I'm sharing this special thing with you." "Jack, thank you so much."

If I hadn't already realized, I really like this boy. The past few weeks we've spent together have been some of the most amazing weeks of my life and I want this boy to be mine.


It took around half an hour for me to get the hang of skating. It took many trips, many slips and too many laughs directed to me from jack. He had assured me every time that he wasn't actually laughing at me, per say, but at my actions.

Even though I could confidently skate by myself now, I was still holding onto the jack as we skated laps around the rink. "Hey jack?" I say. "Yes, pretty girl?" he replies. "I really like you," I tell him. "I really like you too," he tells me before his lips crash onto mine. So many things fill my body, excitement, joy, fear. I don't allow the fear to take over and instead, I allow myself to enjoy a moment.

When I pull out after what seems to be hours I'm in a state of euphoria. I can't believe that just happened. I had just kissed my biggest crush, Jack Hughes, and he had reciprocated it.

I know that I need to stop thinking of him as Jack Hughes and see him as just jack but I can't. I mean I do, but I can't. When ive been crushing over jack Hughes for so long, I can't just forget about his image. Don't get me wrong, I don't like him because of it, but I can't just not think about it. If someone finds out what will happen? Will we stay together in whatever we're in or will he deny or what?

Jack finally says something. "I really like you Zoey," he says. "Yeah, me too. I hate to ruin the moment, but I think it's time to go. " I tell him, hating myself as I say it. "Yeah, that's fair enough, lets go." he says taking my hand.


When we get to the normal drop off space I tell him, "you can take me to my house." "are you sure?" he asks, "I don't want you to get in trouble with your dad." how did i manage to get so lucky. He cares about me getting into trouble. I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but ive never had someone care this much before. "No, don't worry, he's working right now and my mom probably won't notice," I say. "Okay," he says putting the car back into drive.

When we get to my house, I'm about to leave the car when he pulls me into a quick kiss. "Text me, okay? I want to go on another date with you before round two starts. " "I promise we will," I tell him. "Bye," I tell him as I leave his car.

When I look up, I see my dad staring at me with wide eyes.


word count: 1161
a/n: sorry for not updating in 4 days ive been really busy but i plan on doing the next chapter either tomorrow or the day after!!

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