6 | Oh Shit

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I didn't expect my dad to find out I was seeing Jack in this way. With me kissing him for the second time ever and leaving his car just to find out that my dad is right there.

I turn around to see if jack is still there and unfortunately, he is. There is no way my dad didn't see what just happened.

"Zoey," my dad says. "Dad," I respond. I turn my gaze over to jack and he is just sitting there not knowing what to do. "Go," I tell jack. "Are you sure?" he mouths. I nod my head and walk over to my dad.

"How much did you see?" I ask him. "I saw my daughter kissing an NHL superstar and then leaving his car." my dad says angrily. Oh shit. He saw the kiss. "Listen, I can explain-" I start before he cuts me off. "I've got work, we'll speak about it after." I nod and watch my dad enter his car.


I need to text Bri and tell her everything. Actually, I don't think texting will do today justice, I need her to come over.


After I've told Bri the most undetailed part of what happened today, she told me she would come straight over, and she wasn't kidding. It had been two minutes since she ticked me she would come over and I had just heard her signature honk to let me know she was here.

I waited in my room for her to make her way up because I knew that sue would rush up here as soon as possible anyway.

She bursts into my room saying Ttell me everything," with a box full  of out favorite snacks in her hand.


Bri stares at me with wide eyes and her mouth wide open. "I can't believe I missed this. We haven't spoken for a few days and this is what happened? " "Yeah, I guess. Now, can you tell me how you got to my house in two minutes after you texted me with a box full of snacks? " "Zoey, we can wait. There's more important things to discuss. " "Such as?" "YOU KISSED JACK HUGHES! NO ACTUALLY, HE KISSED YOU! " Brie exclaims. "Yes, but I mean, he's my Jack," I say smiling. "Your Jack? You're so in love."

You're so in love. In love... in love... in love... what Bri said was the only thing that ran through my mind. Was I in love with jack? No, that's dumb. How could I even think that? I've known him for a month. I'm not in love with him. Right?

"ZOEY?!" Bri exclaim taking me out of my own mind. "I'm sorry, what were you saying?" I ask dazed. "I was asking how it was kissing Hughsie." "oh right," I start, "it just felt like magic, I don't think I've ever felt the way I felt when I kissed Jack." "Wow," Bri said, "I've never felt that way. You know I'm happy for you, right? " "Yeah, I know, I love you." "I love you."


It had been four hours and Bri had just left and my dad was about to come home. I wasn't excited for what I knew was about to happen.

When I heard the front door open and shut, my nerves only increased. "Zo?" my dad called out. I didn't even bother to respond, I just went downstairs.

"Hi dad," I said. "We need to talk, is your brother awake?" he asked me. "I don't think so," I responded as it was an hour past his bed time. He just nodded and I just followed him to the living room.

When we entered, I saw my mom already sitting down on our white leather couch sipping on her red wine. I felt really awkward. I know that they're my parents but I really don't know what to do other than sit down and look at them blankly.

"So, Zoey," my dad started, "what is going on between you and that Hughes boy?" "I'm not sure," I tell my dad instantly regretting what I had said. "You don't know? So you're just letting him kiss you in our driveway without knowing what you guys are?" My dad starts, turning red with every word. "Honey, calm down," my mom tells him. "Dad, we're just seeing each other, exclusively," or at least I hoped jt was exclusive because I knew that I wasn't seeing anyone else. "So you're dating?" He asks me. "Not dating, per se, but I guess you can call it that." I knew that what me and Jack had was special, he made me feel special.

"Zoey, I don't know how to say this but, I don't want you to see him anymore." My dad tells me with a blank expression. "Are you joking?" I ask not believing what he had just said. "Why? You don't even know him?" "I know his type, Zo, I'm just trying to protect my baby," my dad tells me. "Don't baby me dad. I'm almost nineteen. You don't get to choose who I can and can't see." "If you want to be an adult then act like one because whining isn't making you seem any older." "This is despicable," I say heading to my room.


"Honey, I think you were a little bit harsh on her." I hear my mom telling my dad. "I wasn't being harsh, I was telling the truth. I know guys like him, I ref guys like him. They think they're the shit. They have at least five puck bunnies following them around at all times. I don't want my daughter being one of those girls." I hear him say.

I couldn't believe that is really what he thought of Jack, of me. I'm beyond pissed. I can't stay here tonight. I need to go. I don't know where, but I know I need to go.


"Bye," I say leaving the house with only my car keys in hand. Before I even think about where I'm going, I just start driving.

I tru to call Bri but she's not answering. There's no way shes asleep, it's only 10. Before thinking I call Jack. He answers on the first ring.


jack: hey pretty girl whats up?

me: can i come over?

jack: you want to come to my house?

me: yes. is that okay?

jack: of course. let me give you the address.


Jack must have heard the desperation in my voice for him to say yes that easily. I drive over to the adress he gave me and when I arrive, I see Jack already standing outside.

"Care to explain?" Jack asks me. "I got into a fight with my dad," is all I tell him and he doesn't push for more.

I follow Jack into the elevator and when we get up to his door he tells me, "Ty's home but he shouldn't bother us, I told him that you were coming over." "Thank you," I say smiling up at him.

When we enter, I see something I never expected to see. A table filled with some of my favourite snacks I had mentioned to Jack on dates before, my favourite Starbucks drink, my favourite flowers and a movie set up. "You did this for me?" I ask looking up at him. "Only the best for you pretty girl." I kiss him, its deep and passionate and full of emotion until Ty walks in half naked.

"Ty are you kidding me? I told you Zoey was coming over." Jack says annoyed. "I know but I had to meet the famous Zoey." "Famous?" I ask looking up at Jack but he doesn't even notice what I said before he says, "You had to do that only wearing boxers? Come on." "Okay, I'm sorry, I'll go put clothes on but after I want to talk to her." Ty says walking into what I assume is his bedroom. "Oh is that Moana? I haven't seen that in forever," Ty says walking back out.


Somehow, what was an evening that I thought I would spend at home crying turned into a sing along with my boyfriend and his roommate. No not boyfriend. I dont know what to call him but now is not the time to ask.

I really like Ty. Not in the same way that I like Jack or Bri but in the way I like Ty.

If you wouldn't told me two months ago that I would be at Jack Hughes's apartment cuddling with him watching a movie with Ty Smith, I wouldn't have believed you. But look at me now. I never expected Jack to know all the words to the Moana songs but I can't say I'm surprised either. He never fails to surprise me.

I feel myself getting tired and after such a long day, I just let myself fall asleep on Jack's chest.


word count: 1484
a/n: I hope you guys enjoy! also i know that ty smith got traded but i wanted him to have roommate so i stuck with ty smith. in this universe, he is still with the nj devils

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