☠︎︎ A Boneknapper. ☠︎︎

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A dragon raid was going on and you were aching to help the adults battle, the legendary Boneknapper's name had been shouted multiple times which meant it was there.

Gobber told many stories of it trying to attack and kill him for some reason, apparently he found it while hiking up a glacier or something.

You wanted to be the one to kill it or at least capture it, dragon hunting academy really paid off for you and you wanted to show everyone that it did.

Although you were stuck in the house with both your siblings, who were twins. Ruffnut and Tuffnut Thorston.

"Oh, come on! Cant you guys take care or yourselves yet? What's the worse that can happen?!" You sighed

Tuffnut and Ruffnut began to bite each other as you separated them using both your hands, they both rolled over to stop facing each other before you heard some sort of loud and ear piercing shriek. Tuffnut and Ruffnut cried as you covered their ears and yours.

Some sort of creak came from outside so you hesitantly grabbed a dagger with a white hilt off the wall to see what was going on and what was near the hut.

After reaching the door, you opened it slowly with the dagger in your hand and saw a large tail that seemed to be used like a bludgeon.

There were bones along the tail and once you fully stepped outside you saw a dragon that was at least two feet taller than you.

Maybe your age? Do dragons even age?

You were not prepared to meet the Boneknapper that was attacking Berk at the moment, your hands began to tremble and once the Boneknapper's gaze fell on you it shrieked.

 The dagger was rendered useless quickly, it had a set of armour covered in bones and bones weren't exactly easy to get through.

It raised its wings and lightning crashed three times against the sea and land, Berkian's yelled as they fought dragons of many kinds.

You watched as the Boneknapper began to sniff around you, you stayed completely still. You were frozen in shock.

After a couple minutes of having yourself checked out, the dragon looked over after hearing a scream before looking at you.

It took off quickly and used both of its large claws to grab you and carry you off into the sky, you put the dagger hanging on your tunic before screaming for help.

Arrows were shot at the Boneknapper but they all failed to reach it or they had bounced off the many bones on its body.

"Help!" You shouted

The Boneknapper looked back at you and began to climb higher into the sky, once they reached the clouds and made it through them they had 

"Put me down! I'm not your property!" You yelled

The dragon roared back at you before leaning to the side to head to the left and into a larger cloud that seemed darker.

This was going to be quite the adventure now that you were taken from Berk, an adventure you weren't sure you were ready to have.

One way to find out.

Y/n Thorston (How To Train Your Dragon)Where stories live. Discover now