☠︎︎ Bones Are All That's Left ☠︎︎

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You were out flying with Deathcutter the next day, you had your helmet on your head and both daggers in one hand with the other hanging onto one of his bones so you wouldn't fall off of his back mid-air.

"Hey! What's that over there?" You asked

Deathcutter roared, you saw something being dragged into the woods.

He landed and began to sniff around in the sand, you looked around before seeing a string being dragged into the woods.

Was this a trap?

Deathcutter began to run into the woods once he spotted it, too late to turn back since your dragon was already on it.

You ran after him quickly so that the both of you wouldn't get separated if it turned out to be an attack, you prayed it wouldn't be an attack.

"Deathcutter?! Deathcutter!" You yelled

He was nowhere to be seen, it was like once he turned the corner he flew off or something but there was no way. You would've heard him take off of at least rattle his bones once he took flight.

Where was the Boneknapper?

There was no way on earth that he would just run off without you unless he took in some sort of toxin, you'd still hear him run since you came into the woods seconds after he did.

Your dragon was lost. Or were you?

A couple moments later, you saw the same exact string being pulled into the woods so you ran after it to see if you'd find Deathcutter anywhere.

Moments after following it, you saw a tall cage with Deathcutter inside.

He seemed to have a muzzle over his mouth with his tail bound to the bottom of the cage by a chain, his wings were free but they'd be useless in a situation. The bars were dragon proof.

Viggo sent out his best hunters to try and find a bunch of dragons, and yours just happened to make the cut.

"Deathcutter!" You shouted

He tried to breath fire at the hunters who pulled their bows on you but failed due to the muzzle, the hunters laughed at your dragon and his failed attempt but began to yell in fear when a plasma blast was sent at them.

The dragon riders were there.

A yellow and black Triple Stryke landed beside you using all three of its tails, Deadly Nadder spines hit a few hunters and some began to back off.

You saw Deathcutter being tugged away by ropes, you were about to run after him but he seemed to just stare at you.

He wanted to you let him go.

"Get the Boneknapper!" Hiccup ordered

Blasts from a Razorwhip could be seen but you avoided them completely to get to your dragon, he shook himself on the ropes and tugged at them before curling his wings in.

Out came a small bone from the middle of his armour and neck, you caught it as he was being hauled off still.

You nodded at Deathcutter and he immediately shut the portion of his jaw that was slightly opened, it wouldn't be of use to him for a while.

The dragon riders attempted to go after him and when the Night Fury tried to chase him on foot you used a dagger to stop it in its tracks.

"If that Night Fury takes one more step towards the ocean, you lose a dragon." You warned

"Toothless!" Hiccup yelled

"What?! We're just gonna let them walk all over us, aren't we supposed to be saving dragons?!" The ginger raged

"That's my dragon, not yours. You're nothing but ignorant to think there is no plan behind my actions." You stated

"Someone had to say it." Tuffnut laughed

"Thorstons are actually highly intelligen-" Ruffnut grinned

"Not the time." Astrid said

You turned around as Fishlegs took a step back into his dragon, the Night Fury returned your dagger before running to its rider.

"And you are?" A green eyed girl asked

"I go by many names. Although if you prefer something more comfortable to call me, it'd be Y/n." You smiled

You flicked the skull on your helmet up, Fishlegs jaw dropped while Snotlout twisted his head around to catch your face.

"Woah..." Ruffnut said

Both Zippleback's roared in confusion.

"Big sibling Y/n! See? Thorstons are obviously superior to other Berkian's such as one Hiccup Haddock or Snotlout Jorgenson." Tuffnut exclaimed

"Y/n? I know that Boneknapper! Is it the one who kidnapped you when you were younger? This is so interesting! A Boneknapper right at our hands!" Fishlegs squealed

"Eh... who?" The Ginger said

"That's Dagur and Heather from Berserker Island, they aren't too relevant to our team. That Razorwhip is, though. Awesome dragon by the way! Barf and Belch are nice too! Zippleback's rock!" Tuffnut walked over and put an arm on your shoulder comfortably

The Triple Stryke clicked its tail and roared at Dagur in confusion.

Dagur. Dagur being the Oswald The Agreeable's son, Heather was most likely the sibling you heard of a long time ago.

"I wouldn't put it as kidnapping... I'd say saved. That Boneknapper is the friend I never knew I needed, I assume Berk and Berserker Island has found that same piece of life. As weird as this seems currently since I was assumed to be dead, my dragon just bought you a way to the auction and you guys are gonna be the ones crashing it with me." You stated

"How so? We're just gonna believe a random viking who has been missing for years because they ran off with a dragon?" Snotlout questioned

"Ever heard of a Boneknapper not being able to roar, my Boneknapper can't roar which means he's gonna be quite antsy and hard to keep hidden." You grinned

"We've heard your Boneknapper shriek, our dragons don't do too well with it." Astrid said

You opened your palm and showed them the small bone, they all looked at each other knowingly before looking back at you.

"Hard to keep hidden. There's gonna be quite the trail left for us in the morning, a irritated dragon is the worst kind of dragon." Heather pointed out

"I call having Y/n sleep in our hut! Please Hiccup? Barf and Belch are gonna be so kind to Y/n and they won't bother them! We'll have a sleepover and-" Tuffnut trailed off

"Yeah! Yeah! Nothing can go wrong!" Ruffnut yelled

Y/n Thorston (How To Train Your Dragon)Where stories live. Discover now