☠︎︎ All That Remains ☠︎︎

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You hopped off your dragon before going over to one of the trees and looking out from behind it to see Viggo and Ryker on top of some sort of wooden platform with the other Vikings sat down in front of them.

"Now, our auction didn't go accordingly last time so we've gathered the most expensive dragons in the archipelago to sell." Viggo said

Ryker grinned, you saw four dragon cages go into the room since hunters were pushing practically all of the cages.

One held a Changewing, another held a Whispering Death, one with a Shadowing, and the other with a Speed Stinger.

"Rare dragons, it's a good thing you weren't there or else more people would be bidding higher prices for you." You stated

You heard a Night Fury shriek along with many shouts, the dragon riders had finally arrived after quite a while.

"Ryker! The guards were supposed to keep watch!" Viggo growled

Ryker grumbled before storming off quickly, hunters grabbed many weapons as the different bidders got out of their seats to run to their boats.

The riders landed in the middle near Viggo, you quickly ran back to Deathcutter and got onto his back so you could assist the group when the time came.

"Where is Y/n and Deathcutter?!" Hiccup questioned

"You wont be selling any dragons at this rate!" Astrid exclaimed

Sleuther and Windshear roared before Skullcrusher and Grump blasted at the many different hunters coming at them.

"That Boneknapper and foolish rider were shot down by Ryker, they weren't retrieved from the water meaning they've probably already been sent to Valhalla." Viggo grinned

The riders looked at each other and so did the dragons before looking back at Viggo, large boulders immediately got sent at the group which meant they were being ambushed.

Viggo knew that this would happen and he's got the riders in a corner.

Hunters began to surround them along with catapults right behind them, blasting wouldn't get them out.

Tuffnut and Ruffnut looked around worriedly before looking up, can't fly because of the catapults with the boulders coming at them.

"Get me in there, blast the catapults and I'll grab the dragons in the cages. Make sure those hunters don't make it out to cause more problems." You explained

Deathcutter took off and you began to slide down his back and hang onto one of the bones that were on his tail.

Once above the Speed Stinger cage you loosened your grip on the bone and fell down onto the cage, you used a boot to kick open the cage door before Deathcutter began to torch the catapults and hunters.

"Y/n!" Tuffnut yelled

"Another win for the Thorstons! 3 nothing to every other clan!" Ruffnut cheered

"Not the time!" Gobber pointed out

Deathcutter landed in front of the dragon riders and shrieked before beginning to sway his tail around to hit the hunters and their supplies away.

You ran over to the Changewing cage once you were able to scare off the Speed Stinger, Viggo was long gone.

Ruffnut and Tuffnut seemed to be at work with Fishlegs and Meatlug to get the Whispering Death and the Shadowing out of their cages.

After all the dragons were freed and the place was already on fire, Deathcutter flew upwards and began to fly upside down.

You grabbed a bone apart of his dragon armour before he flipped himself upwards and swooped low to catch up to the other riders.

The auction was officially crashed.

Deathcutter shrieked victoriously before flying through the many riders, he began to fly above them so that he wouldn't have to be near the other dragons.

"Me and Hooky totally would've done that, Y/n just needed their little glory moment and I'm so generous." Snotlout grinned

Hookfang shook himself and roared disapprovingly.

"Deathcutter is much bigger than the Boneknapper we saw the first time, most likely because that one was younger! Ooh! There's so much documenting to do about Boneknapper's and to have one on the team is amazing!" Fishlegs exclaimed

"It's quite the asset, having Y/n back is relieving." Stoick stated

"What do you want your hut to look like?" Astrid asked

"We all have them our dragons themes and since you're living in a more secluded area you should be able to get the materials to make it based off of a Boneknapper, if Deathcutter is up for it." Hiccup smiled

Toothless roared at Deathcutter and all he did was move away in response to it, he wasn't used to dragons genuinely trying to be kind towards him since most of them felt intimidated enough to attack him.

You pat his head happily before waiting for what he would say, Deathcutter shook himself and closed his eyes which meant he was okay with the whole deal.

"Well, guess me and Deathcutter will come with you guys to the edge to help you out with a few things." You smiled

"Yes!" Tuffnut cheered

"Yeah! I bet your siblings wouldn't do that for you guys!" Tuffnut yelled

"I don't have a sibling-" Hiccup pointed out

"Then get yourself one!" Ruffnut shouted

You laughed as you scratched Deathcutter's more exposed skin, Barf and Belch roared at Deathcutter and he just stared at them before roaring and looking off into the clouds.

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