☠︎︎ The Next Step ☠︎︎

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You and Deathcutter were about to raid a ship that had gotten too close to the island, it seemed to be filled with dragon hunters and a couple of different materials such as wood, gold, stone and a few weapons.

Deathcutter was flying above the clouds while you were hanging onto the side of the boat using both your daggers, you were listening in on one of the conversations.

"Those dragon riders ruined the auction, although a new rider has peaked Viggo's interest. A Boneknapper with a rider, I don't think he's ever caught one of those. Masked rider though. Ha! To think such a rider would get involved in something like that." A hunter said

"Apparently he's headed to the south side of the Archipelago now, somewhere near that Dragons Edge to hunt some dragons for another auction he's hosting near Berserker Island. Might be better, those dragon riders won't see it coming since he'll be working with one ship only. Such a long way to travel, it'll throw them off." The other replied

Another auction? Viggo didn't learn the last time?

Berserker island, you hadn't heard that name in quite a while which was real weird.

You began to whistle which caught the Hunters attention, you used both daggers to climb up as Deathcutter began to head straight for the boat.

He shrieked and began to blast the boat with fire, you hopped on fully and tripped a hunter who was trying to get to a catapult.

Gold is the only valuable thing to you on that boat and thankfully it was in a sac, that meant you would be able to leave the sight quickly.

"Let's go, Deathcutter!" You yelled

Deathcutter roared and flew above you while firing at the boat, he used his talons to lift you up before pulling you off into the sky.

He threw you up into the air and quickly flipped backwards and once he was upright you landed safely on his back.

Once Deathcutter turned he began to continue spreading flames on the boat, you grinned before looking into the sac. 

Filled with gold, perfect.

You hummed in pleasure as Deathcutter continued coaxing the boat in fire, he then turned himself around and began to fly back to Graveyard Island so that his fish wouldn't be eaten by the Night Terrors.

"Another auction is going on, all the dragons that he wants are near something called "Dragons Edge" which could be anywhere in the archipelago. Then he's going for Berserker Island, it's been a while since I've heard that name along with been there. Not too nice of a place and quite odd people." You stated

Deathcutter shrieked and landed on the ground, you hopped off his back and dusted yourself off before seeing Deathcutter beginning to run through the tunnel.

You smiled and began to run inside the tunnel with the sac, the gold made clicking noises as you ran but once you stopped it stopped too.

After setting down the bag in one of the patches of grass you began to stroll over to your dragon, he roared at you before raising his wings and nudging a few pieces of mutton.

You ate a piece before walking over to a small area where you had your things set up, a few Terrible Terrors and Night Terrors ran around as Deathcutter scared them off by roaring and using his size to scare them too.

You laughed before setting down your two daggers near your helmet, you had a tough skull but you wouldn't risk anything. Arrow to the head doesn't sound too fun.

Deathcutter walked over to you and roared before bending down to check out whatever was on top of the wooden surface, he licked a few of the fish before running off and around the cave.

Graveyard island constantly had at least one decomposing animal on it, decomposing animals make great assistants when growing plants or any sort of nature.

After a few moments of staring at your dagger, you grabbed a map of the archipelago that you had. You'd need to find an island close to Berk but abundant and filled with dragons.

Berserker island was already labelled on your map.

Multiple different islands were rich in resources and dragons but one stood out. A volcano seemed to be on it.

Perfect place to raise a few dragons, that volcano is dormant and would allow Gronckles to grow there due to the rocks.

Could also make a good hideout, you'd check it out in a few days if you couldn't come up with anything or anywhere else.

There was no actual telling, although if it was actually a base then it'd be easy to spot from far away since most of those islands didn't have much space.

From what you've seen, the dragon riders aren't too... good with checking things out since they didn't seem to catch on to what Viggo and Ryker were trying to do.

There was no way in the Archipelago or out of the Archipelago that Viggo and Ryker would be able to get there before you do, a Boneknapper verses and boat when it comes to getting somewhere.

Nothing can slow down Deathcutter and that's been tested. Nothing.

Your dragon is one of a kind, replacing him is much more than a tough task.

He's the dominant dragon in most situations, he's dealt with loads of things and getting kidnapped on an island or mountain wouldn't be his first time doing it.

The light in the cave was dimming which meant it'd get dark soon, Deathcutter came running over and he roared at you happily.

You smiled and set everything down on top of a few rocks, you grinned before sitting down near some of the other rocks and snapping your fingers in the direction of the fire.

Deathcutter ignited the fire using his own flames before sitting down beside you and making himself comfortable.

It had been quite a while since the two of you sat down like this to cook some fish. Although it was usually you eating the cooked fish while Deathcutter went after anything raw.

He absolutely hated anything cooked, not even sheep or mutton in general.

Y/n Thorston (How To Train Your Dragon)Where stories live. Discover now