Twelve - confession

172 17 59

[7:01am] 10/11/22


Incoming call from Eric


*On the call*

Eric: good morning love

Charles: ugh

Eric: that's nice

Charles: you woke me up

Eric: The sun is up, so so should you

Charles: I beg to differ

Eric: what are you doing Charles?

Charles: I was sleeping

Eric: did you ever think of not answering

Charles: I couldn't do that

Eric: why?

Charles: it's you

Eric: aww your so cute Charles

Charles: what are you doing

Eric: picking clothes out for lunch with a friend

Charles: a friend?

Eric: yes

Charles: what kind of friends?

Eric: are you jealous

Charles: must be a special friend if you had to wake me up at 7am to inform me you were going to brunch with them

Eric: you are jealous

Charles: you woke me up at goodness knows what time it is on whatever day it is

Eric: it's Tuesday

Charles: fuck

Eric: you don't have to worry about this friend, SHE will probably want to lecture me about how I don't listen to my colleagues

Charles: m'kay

Eric: not jealous anymore?

Charles: no

Eric: now you sound sleepy

Charles: I'm always tired

Eric: it sounds adorable

Charles: I'm half asleep, tangled in my bedsheets with my clothes crumpled, my hair sticking up everywhere and my face buried in my pillow

Eric: sounds adorable

Charles: you have a very strange definition of what adorable is

Eric: fair enough


Eric: hey um I was wondering, do you perhaps want to meet in real life?

Eric: you don't have to if you don't want to but I thought it would be nice to be able to see each other

Eric: I suppose we could send eachother a photo but I tend to look like I'm about to kill someone in a photo and I don't want to scare you off



Eric: did you miss me?

Charles: yes I can't stop thinking about you

Eric: wow I didn't even need to take my shirt off

Charles: not that I'd complain

Charles: I'd love to meet you in real life

Charles: it would be great to see you, I'm now soooo excited

Charles: haha I don't think you'd be able so scare me away darling

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