Fifteen - meeting

173 15 26

Eric's POV

I walked into Central Park, nervously checking my phone every few seconds. My stomach was churning, I was very excited but also scared - what if I messed it up? What if Charles hates me? What if he's too good for me?

I caught site of the fountain and there was no one near it. As I approached it, I looked over my shoulder to see if I could spot a man that fit the description of the clothes Charles would be wearing.

When I got to the fountain, I pulled my phone out and checked the time for the umpteenth time - it read 9:57am. He should be here soon.

I turned, my back to the way I came and stared at the fountain. That turned out to be a very bad idea.

I felt a hand grab me by the neck of my blazer and shove me down towards the side of the fountain.


This is the worse time ever to be getting mugged.

"Give me all your money right now otherwise I'll hold you under the water." He growled.

The man held me down, my nose inches away from the water as he fumbled around in my pockets, looking for anything valuable. Thank goodness my phone and credit card was in the blazer pocket I happend to be leaning on.

I heard a grunt of pain. That was odd. The man's grasp on my neck had loosened.

A small hand snaked around my stomach and pulled me up.

I groaned slightly.

"Hey are you ok sir?" A voice asked, his accent sounded very British.

Hold on, I knew that voice. I would recognise it anywhere.

After steadying myself, I span around and looked at the man behind me.

He was drod dead gorgeous. His dark brown hair fell in slightly wavy curtains and his eyes were like nothing I'd never seen before. They were a bright blue, like the Mediterranean sea on a sunny day. They were stunning.

"Charles." I whispered

"That would be me." He grinned.

I stared into his brilliant blue eyes and smiled. Bending down, I gently pressed my lips against his. Instinctively, my hands went to his waist as we kissed. Even though we were in the middle of a park, I didn't care which, now that I think about it, goes against how I usually feel about PDA.

When we broke apart, Charles looked up at me and beamed "Well I was not expecting that."

"Well I promised you a kiss did I not?" I smirked.

Charles blushed.

"Let's go find somewhere to sit." I suggested.

Charles nodded. I put my arm around his waist and pulled him close to me as we walked away, his head leaning slightly on my shoulder.

"I can't believe this is actually happening." He mumbled.

"Neither can I." I responded, smiling like a lunatic.

We walked to the shade of a tree and I whispered "you don't mind sitting on the grass do you love?"

"No of course not." Smiled Charles.

God his smile. My knees felt slightly weak.

I sat down cross legged on the floor and gestured for Charles to sit down with me. He giggled, then sat down opposite me.

"Part of me though this would never happen." I smiled.

"Same." Charles responded.

"So, are you glad you made someone dislocate their knee?" I asked, smirking slightly.

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