Fifty-nine - Christmas Eve

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[8:01am] 24/12/22

Charles: It's Christmas Eve!!!

Eric: someone's up early

Charles: yes I have baking to do

Eric: do you want me to help you?

Charles: I'd love that, if that's ok

Eric: of course it is

Eric: right let's get you out of bed

Charles: Eric, I can't thank you enough for how caring you've been

Eric: you don't have to thank me Charles, I'm your fiancé it's my job to look after you

Charles: yeah but still, thank you <3

Eric: you're most welcome


Charles' POV

Eric got up and walked around to my side of the bed. Carefully, he picked me up and placed me on a stool so that I could get dressed. I struggled to get in my trousers however eventually I managed to get them on - being paralysed is a pain in the arse. I lent back against the wall and took a deep breath.

"You ok love?" Eric called.

"Yeah." I panted slightly.

I know I could have asked Eric to help me however I needed to at least try and do some things on my own - I don't want him to think I am a lazy bastard.

Eric walked out of the bathroom and over to me. I smiled at him as he asked "Do you want me to help you get into your wheelchair?"

"In a minute," I responded.

Eric stepped forward so he was standing between my legs (which were splayed awkwardly doing nothing) and placed one hand in the wall above my head; he gently placed his other hand on my back. I put one hand on his arse and the other rested on his bicep as he lent down and pressed our lips together. I gently squeezed his arse which made Eric let out a surprised gasp before he deepened the kiss.



Eric: as much as I am enjoying you having your hand on my arse, don't you have baking to do

Charles: I'm glad you are enjoying it

Charles: oh yes I had almost forgotten about that

Eric: Charles Francis forgetting about baking he has to do, is the world ending?

Charles: I was rather preoccupied with more important thoughts

Eric: what were these thoughts that were more important than baking?

Charles: how nice your arse is, how much I hate being paralysed as I can't have sex with you and how good your lips felt against mine.

Eric: those are quite some thoughts

Charles: yep

Eric: well I hate to draw you away from them however you have gingerbread to bake

Charles: probably a good thing you're changing the subject, if you didn't I don't think my boner would go away

Eric: let's get you into the wheelchair then

Charles: thanks love

Eric: it's no trouble at all


Eric: how is the gingerbread going?

Charles: I'm just about to put the dough into the fridge

Eric: how long does it chill in the fridge for?

Charles: well it doesn't really have a specific time, normally I put it in there for around an hour or so

Eric: what did you want to do while you wait

Charles: are you working?

Eric: no I have today, tomorrow and the day after off

Eric: why?

Charles: well if you're not working, I can kiss you

Eric: you can always kiss me

Charles: good


Charles: Eric can you help roll out the gingerbread dough for me please, I can't reach the counter very well

Eric: if course

Charles: love you

Eric: love you too


Charles: all the batches of gingerbread are out of the oven

Eric: I can't wait to try one

Charles: they need to cool before we can decorate them

Eric: you want me to help?

Charles: will you decorate the gingerbread with me for fun?

Eric: I'd love too

Eric: I'll make some lunch first, what do you want

Charles: a sandwich will suffice

Eric: what sort?

Charles: ham and cheese please

Eric: that sounds good, I'm going to have one as well

Charles: haha


Charles: the gingerbread are all cooled

Eric: let's get decorating!!!


Eric: ok this one I just made looks a bit demented

Charles: I think it's cute

Eric: Charles yours look amazing

Charles: so do yours

Eric: your gingerbread are on a whole nother level

Charles: awww thanks

Eric: I'm serious

Charles: thank you Eric

Eric: you are amazing

Charles: oh stop you're making me blush

Eric: good, you look adorable when you blush

Charles: <3

Charles: you look adorable all the time

Eric: noooo don't call me adorable it message with my reputation

Charles: what reputation?

Eric: my reputation of being a cold, unloving dickhead

Charles: well I hate to break it to you but you are none of those things


Charles: alright fine you are a cold, unloving dickhead towards everyone

Charles: apart from me

Charles: ...and my siblings (biological and unbiological)

Eric: of course I'm not a dickhead towards you

Charles: of course not as I give you head

Eric: <3

Eric: and if I was mean to your siblings, it would hurt your feelings

Charles: true

Eric: other than that I'm a dick towards everyone

Charles: I still love you

Eric: I'd be sad if you didn't

Charles: don't be sad :(

Charles: I love you

Eric: I love you too leibe

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