Fifty - Party

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Eric's POV

I walked into the reception area of my office block and saw that it was decorated for Christmas. I sighed, if only Charles was here.

"Hey look it's the boss!" Exclaimed one man.

Everyone turned any gaped at me; I rolled my eyes - I know it's shocking to see me attend a party but there's no need to stare. Besides it's at my work so that's a perfectly reasonable excuse for me to go - I certainly won't be telling people that it's because I want to show off the fact that I have the best boyfriend in the world.

"Wait is the boss wearing something colourful?" Someone whispered.

I rolled my eyes again - while it was uncommon for me to wear an outfit that wasn't black, grey or very dark blue, I did occasionally wear a coloured tie. The dark red of the tie I wore stood out against the white of my shirt and my charcoal grey suit and tux.

The door opened and everyone turned to look as a handsome man strutted in. I chuckled slightly, Charles was also wearing a charcoal suit and tux (however his was made out of tweed). Charles tie was the exact same shade of red as mine.

"Hey darling, good to see you." Charles smiled.

"Hello Charles, you look very handsome today." I grinned.

"So do you love - wait are you wearing my tie?" He chuckled as he cheeks tinged pink.

"So what if I am? We are matching." I smirked.

"Indeed we are matching and I must say we make a rather dashing pair."

"I couldn't agree more." I grinned.

The people in the office were staring at us with curious and confused expressions on my face. For the third time, I rolled my eyes.

"You wanna stare at us? I'll give you something to stare at." I shouted, slightly annoyed and slightly amused.

I put my hands on Charles' waist then bent down and kissed him. I felt Charles blush under my burning kiss. His hands rested on the back of my neck and I smiled before kissing him again.

I could vaguely hear my employees muttering to each other however I didn't care, all that mattered was that I was with the man I loved the most, the man I wanted to spend eternity with. When Charles and I pulled away, I grabbed his hand.

"Did you want to get something to eat my love?" I whispered.

"That sounds nice." Charles smiled.

We walked over to the food table and filled out plates with sandwiches, crisps and other things. I led Charles over to a pair of chairs and we sat down next to each other.

"I bet I could throw this sausage roll up and I'd catch it in my mouth." Charles said after we had devoured some sandwiches.

"Go on then." I encouraged.

Charles threw the sausage roll up in the air and it landed in his open mouth. I laughed.

"Charles how do you manage to act like a 70 year old man yet also like a 7 year old child."

"It's me darling." Charles laughed.

As I laughed, I suddenly became very aware of many people in the room staring at us. It was too much for me, my anxiety flared and my leg began to shake uncontrollably.

"Don't worry darling, I'm here." Charles whispered as he moved his hand so that it was resting on my thigh. Charles' other arm was draped around my shoulders, pulling my close.

"Shhhhh, it's ok." He murmured in my ear.

I love that man so much.

"Will you come outside with me?" I whispered, my voice cracking slightly as I was anxious.

"Of course my love." He responded.

We stood up and as we walked out of the room, Charles' arm wrapped tightly around my waist, pulling me close. I smiled, Charles could always help me manage me anxiety.

I led him up to my office, we walked through it and I showed him the balcony, overlooking New York.

I opened the door and we stepped out together. I was a bit windy however I didn't mind.

"Wow it's beautiful." Charles gasped.

"It is." I responded, staring at Charles.

Charles turned and faced me before leaning up and catching my lips in his. I smiled and kissed him back gently.

When we broke apart, I stepped back and took a deep breath. I pulled something out of my pocket then began to talk.

"Charles, we have been dating for just over a month, I've known you for 2 months and in the short period of time we have known each other I have fallen completely and utterly in love with you. You have changed my life so much for the better and I can't imagine my life without you. I love you so much and I want to stay with you forever; I know we have some differences however I don't want our last names to be one. So Charles Michael Francis, will you make me the happiest man on earth and become my husband? Leibe, will you marry me?"

I got down on one knee and opened the small red velvet box. Inside was a simple, thin, silver band with a small diamond in the centre.

I looked up at Charles and saw that he was crying. Oh no did I do something wrong? After what felt like an eternity Charles spoke.

"Yes." He whispered "yes I'll marry you."

I smiled wider than I had ever smiled before, this was the happiest day of my life by far. After slipping the ring on Charles' delicate finger, he pounced on me. He hugged me so tightly I lost my balance and fell in the floor. Charles and I both chuckled before instinctively, we both moved and our lips met in a sweet kiss.

When we broke apart I grinned widely, Charles buried himself in my chest as I wrapped my arms around him tightly. It didn't matter that we were awkward laying on the balcony of my office, all that mattered was that I was with Charles, my incredibly handsome fiancé.

I could feel Charles shivering slightly, "oh are you cold my love?' I asked, concerned.

"A little." Charles chattered.

"Can you get off me for a second?" I asked gently.

Charles pouted but got off me, allowing me to stand up. Quickly, I removed my blazer and helped Charles into it before wrapping my arms around him.

"How about we go home, it's getting late and I'm not sure if my anxiety will be able to handle going back into the party fro much longer." I whispered.

"That sounds good darling." Charles mumbled.

I wrapped my arm around him and led him out of my office and back downstairs. When we got out of the lift, everyone turned and stared at us. One person pulled out their phone and took a photo - it was Rose. I smiled at her before turning my head to face Charles. He was still clutching my shirt with one hand and I beamed down at him. Grinning back at me, we walked out of my office building and went home.

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