Holiday preparation

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"Hurry up, Victor!" I rushed him, he was purposely eating slow so I wouldn't get to go shopping!

"Ok, ok I'm done." He laughed off and stood up, "check." Victor waved toward one of the waiters standing by. The waiter was alerted and rushed out to get the check.

"Sir." The waiter said quietly.

Victor pulled out his card and handed it to the guy. When things were done in the restaurant, I eagerly pulled him out and made him the driver.

"Where to m'lady?" He asked.

"Whatever place that has the best decorations." I replied.

"To our mall!" Arlen shouted.

"Let's go!" I shouted back, I'm so pumped! Christmas is one of my favorite holidays, nothing beats getting to decorate your home with warmth and festivities.

I impatiently bounced my foot the whole entire ride. Excitement was running all over me, and when we had arrived I practically jumped out the car and rushed toward the door.

Greeting me was a bellman, that dresses like a bellman at least.

"Good morning Miss Melva." He kindly greeted me.

"Good morning." I replied back.

"Good morning Sirs." He bowed, a change in his tone, I looked behind and saw all 4 of them standing behind me.

"Where to first?" Victor asked.

"I don't know this place that well, how about you pick one?"

Victor nodded and wrapped his arm around my waist to lead me the way. I stepped on the slowly moving escalator and saw they had a massive wall that is an aquarium. It's so blue.

I've never seen it before. Victor saw what I had been looking at and let me approach it.

My hand rested on the glass and a school of fish began to come to me. Swimming around my finger. I stared at them with amazement.

"You're so beautiful..." I heard a whisper behind me. Blushing, I ignored it and pretended I heard nothing.

"I know." Came back a reply that wasn't mine.

"Not you, you idiot, I mean Astra." They scoffed.

"Sparkly or no sparkle?" I asked while holding two different garlands so I could put them up on our fireplace.

"No sparkle." Said Zack.

"Too sparkly on the left one so not that one for sure." Said Keith.

"Yeah, what they said." Came the other 2 replies.

"But no sparkles are so boring." I said.

"Then let's choose the one with sparkle, whatever makes you happy." Zack took the sparkly one away from my hand and placed them in the cart.

"Why'd she ask when she had already chosen one." Arlen asked.

"I heard all girls do this—"

"I can hear you!" I cut both Keith and Arlen off, "If you guys don't want to do this I can do it myself, and I'll pay for myself too. I have my own card." I huffed out and tried to walk away.

But a pair of arms wrapped around my stomach and pulled me back. "After what had happened just last week? No way we are letting you go by yourself. And we froze your card too."

"You what?!" I looked at Victor in disbelief.

"We'll let you use your card once all the money in ours runs out." He smirked. That will be never! They are filthy rich every hundreds of dollars I spend, they will have twice as much within seconds!

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