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K.- ciggarettes after sex.

The next 3 months were pure torture. Everyone treated me like dirt.

I was in the recovery center for nearly 2 weeks, and Joel had stuck by my side. Tess dropped by as well, but Joel was there 24/7.

After I was let out, I was called a lot of things.





Name it, I've been called it.

Joel had told me to just leave it and that those things were not true. But they were. I did murder someone. I murdered someone who had a wife.

Sure, he tried killing me first, but that guilt will always be there to backhand me into thinking it was all my fault.

Joel deemed himself my personal bodyguard since I was the target of literally everyone. There were some people to back me up and defend me but not enough to handle the heat from Adam's wife, Charlie.

I was passing out laundry with Joel when someone threw a tomato at me. "KILLER!"

I sigh. Joel grabbed a towel and helped me clean up. A lady came up to me.

"Go ahead and say what you're gonna say about me, I've probably heard it before." I say as Joel cleaned the tomato off my back.

"I didn't come here to bash you. I'm Mikaela, Linda's wife. I just came here to say that I'm here if you need me. Before the apocalypse, I worked with Adam at a high school, and every time at lunch, he would come into the break room and flirt with me. Charlie has always been the jealous type, and she blames everyone but her husband. Just know you aren't the only one." She says.

"Thank you. That means a lot." I say. She shakes my hand, and she helps with laundry.

Joel had to go back to his room with Tess, Mikaela and I went back to my room and talked for what felt like ages, we talked about Adam, we talked about our personal lives, everything.

"This whole Adam situation has been tough on you, huh?" She asks. "Yeah. Sometimes, it's gotten so bad that I want to run away. The soldiers don't do much until you're beaten to a pulp, Linda has been carrying this whole situation, but there is only so much she can do." I say.

"Yeah. We actually tried running away 3 years ago, we could only make it past the watch building but someone caught us, we would have had a huge punishment but Linda is a pretty smooth talker so she got us out of it."

"Would you ever try again?" I ask.

She looks at me. "Me and Linda actually planned our second attempt for tomorrow. If things get too tough for you, let me know, and I can talk to Linda about letting you in."

"I'm just hoping that Charlie knows or someone smacks some sense into her that her husband was not the greatest." I sigh.

Mikaela pats my back. "Me too. I gotta go. I have to go get my kiddos. I'll see you later."

I close the door behind her and start on dinner.

I noticed that Mikaela left her bag. I go outside to look for her, but I'm am met with water and raw meat being thrown on me.

I look and see a crowd of people and the queen bee herself, Charlie, laughing and pointing.

"I swear to fucking god.. I DID NOT MEAN TO KILL YOUR FUCKING HUSBAND! He attacked me and my friend. What did you want me to do? Let him? No you fucking weirdo! I was shot and my friend was beaten nearly to death, your whore of a husband tried kissing me. If you can't fucking understand that then you are the fucking idiot, not me!"

Kiss on my list (Joel Miller x reader)Where stories live. Discover now